"Then, may I get dad's portion of dessert too, mom?" he asked sweetly and gained an angry pout from his dad.

The dining table got filled with laughter and happy vibes upon the return of their only son. But Khun Kong couldn't be glad wholeheartedly even after all these years.

It took him years to stop self-blaming and start his own family, which explains the age difference between him and his wife, who is just forty-five plus, whereas he is fifty plus.

Luckily he met his wife, who was so understanding and accepting. She loved all of his flaws too. They started their family late compared to many, and compared to his friend's kids, Fiat is way too young and more like the same age as his friend's kids.

His past mistake has been eating him alive for more than 40 years. His guilt and self-blame are more than anybody outside could portray on him. If only he could trade his life to redeem himself, he would, without a doubt. His only regret is killing him slowly.

For now, all he could do was do good deeds and hope his mistakes got forgiven.


"Yes, yes. I'll be there. My MAMA WON'T BE MAD IF I'M LATE A BIT. TRUST ME," Forth talked on the phone with dramatic gestures and a surprisingly loud voice to let his mother hear him.

Grandpa Pha and Yo, who watched this act, shared looks between them. They can pretty much guess what Forth is trying to pull.

After a few more minutes in the call, Forth hung up and walked into the dining room to execute this master plan.

"Mom, Grandpops, I can't carpool with you guys to the gathering. I have to meet Inn and Run. They are in town and want to pass me a few documents about our latest sports event to me. So, I'll join you guys after getting it from them," Forth explained calmly and confidently as he practiced in his bathroom mirror.

But to his surprise, his mother didn't say anything as she continued to eat her porridge peacefully.

As for his dad, he didn't even bother to spare him a glance from his newspaper.

"Dads, I'll join you guys straight there after the meeting at the law firm. Darling, see you there," said Mr. Sun as he walked out of the dining room after kissing his wife and Grandpa Yo goodbye.

Forth was on alert as it was not what he was expecting from his parents. So, he looked at his Grandpa Pha for any clue or hints to be obedient.

After finishing her porridge and taking her sweet time eating the pudding, Mrs. Jane looked at Forth with a pointed look.

"Is that 'Run' in the call or 'Inn'?" questioned Mrs. Jane while sipping her tea without giving away any emotions on her face.

"It's Inn, Mama. Why?" he asked politely.

Forth felt like he is back in school and presenting his report cards to her to get the goddamn signature.

She never cared about his academic outcome, but she could be intimidating.

She is not a narc or manipulative, but she knows how to control her naughty son, and Mrs. Jane always knows what he plans.

"Video call him again. I want to talk to him," Mrs. Jane ordered calmly.

"Okay, mama," he replied as he looked at his grandpops for help.

"Just do it," said Grandpa Yo with a mouth gesture, while Grandpa Pha didn't even bat him another look.

"Hello, meng. Mama wants to talk to you. Put on a shirt," said Forth as he switched the screen towards his Mama.

"Sawadee, Nong Inn. How are you?" she greeted cheerfully.

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