Chapter 39: Freedom

Start from the beginning

I felt my heart pick up speed when voices sounded at the other side of the door and quickly turned my attention back to the task at hand.

All the titles looked the same. Before now, I'd never realized just how many books Father had. I really needed to figure out which bookcase it was in sooner or later, since everyone's lives were at stake.

Despite the fact that Father organized his books according to category very well, right now it seemed like a mess. I didn't know how long I spent fervently scanning the various spines, hoping against hope that I could find the right section soon enough.

The voices grew louder, and I felt my heart pick up speed. My hands began to sweat, and I wiped them against my shirt, but they remained clammy. My breath quickened as the pounding in my ears drowned out the voices.

Not knowing what else to do, I found myself staring at specific titles, wasting even more of my precious time:

To Follow or Be Followed?

For some reason that gave me stalker vibes.

Knitting Tips and Tricks that will Save You a Lot of Time

I never knew he did that.

A Guide to Not Be Awkward in Conversations

Ha, nice.

Five Ways to Get Smarter

I raised an eyebrow, frowning slightly.

The Book that Everyone Must Read


Fun Facts About Elemental Powers

Wait, that was it.

Feeling goosebumps rise up on my arms, I let my eyes travel over the surrounding volumes, and when I finally saw it, I pulled it out of its place with trembling hands. Breathing heavily, I carefully traced the smooth letters of the front cover and gingerly opened it to read the title on the first page.

Everything You Need to Know About Elemental Transference


Just as I tucked it into my bag, the sound of glass shattering filled the room. I spun around, and when I saw the silhouettes in the window, I felt my blood go cold.

How stupid of me to not bring any weapons. I'd never been more unprepared for something in my life.

As I contemplated whether or not to make for the door, an ax hacked straight into it. I froze in place, holding the bag even more tightly to my body. It felt as if everything went into slow motion as I whirled my head back and forth, looking for another escape route. I backed into the wall farthest from the window, horrified, as someone delivered one last blow to the window, sending a shower of broken glass cascading onto the floor.

After a few more chops, whoever was on the other side of the door had successfully created a hole in it, and I found myself surrounded.

By the Ninja's parents.

My heart jumped to my throat as they slowly closed in on me.

"Shadow Rider, why are you here?" Ray spat, wielding a double-bladed sword in his hand.

Normally I would scoff at the weapon the way I used to constantly taunt Bansha about it given its sub-optimality in combat, but his striking resemblance to his son was almost too much to bear. I bit back any snarky reply I had in mind, knowing I'd end up sounding like I was choking.

"If you touch one hair on my son's head―" Ed began, holding the dirtier end of a broomstick closer to my face than I would've been comfortable with.

"If he's here, that should mean there's more of them," Wu said, "I told Garmadon to scout the city and see if there's others."

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