I was just looking at her a little incredulous.

Clearly, we had different plans in our head when we came here.

"Do you need a table?" I whispered to her teasingly.

"It would be useful," Lexi replied, unbothered.

I smiled at her. Part of me wanted to grab an M&M from her bag, but I also knew she would probably kill me if I did, especially after what I had done to some of her other precious M&Ms.

She would probably murder me.

Her love story with M&Ms had been going on for longer than hers with me.

Because here was my girlfriend, sitting beside me, as the movie started to play, and her smiles were essentially reserved for the spread of food around her.

She was practically jumping up and down in her seat each time she grabbed popcorn and M&Ms.

And she had a Pepsi and a slushy. She was probably going to need a bathroom break in the middle of the movie.

I enjoyed this though. I enjoyed it immensely. I loved getting to know Lexi, learning that this was what I was supposed to expect when I would take her to a movie.

If Lexi had been a book I thought I knew by heart before, I was only realising now that I'd only known the title of her chapters, and not the actual words in it. I'd known the big lines of the story, but not the little details that made all the difference.

I was barely listening to the movie.

The theater was dark, and we were almost all alone. At least there was no one behind us, so no one to see what we were doing.

And all I really wanted to do was kiss my girlfriend.

Which was a little ridiculous. We'd been sleeping in the same bed for days now. Why did it feel more tempting to start making out in the dark theater room?

Maybe I really was a deviant.

I looked at my girlfriend sideways. She was completely engrossed in the food she had sprawled on her laps.

She noticed my gaze though, and grabbed the bag of popcorn lifting it in my direction, offering me some.

My shoulders shook with laughter.

"What?" she whispered, leaning in closer to me.

"I'm not your true love, am I? It's food, isn't it," I whispered back, our temples almost touching.

Lexi grinned. "Glad you figured it out in your own. It would have been weird to have to tell you myself."

I guessed I could forget about my making out plans. If I kissed her right now, my mouth would probably turn blue from her slushy.

Eventually, Lexi's eating pace slowed down and she didn't need both hands anymore, I took one of hers in mine, playing with her fingers, rubbing my thumb in her palm.

Now and then I'd press a kiss on her shoulder. Sometimes if I was lucky enough, and her shirt had moved perfectly, the corner of my lips would touch skin.

Lexi had her food, and I had this.

I sandwiched her hand between mine and kissed the side of her wrist.

I had no idea what was going on in the movie.

Zombies, I was pretty sure, but that was about it. Zomibies and twinkies.

And now Lexi had stopped touching her food. I frowned, looking at her. She was looking back at me.

"What?" I whispered.

Little BitchOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora