Chapter 6

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Ariana Pov

"I could have sworn you got dragged out the club by Knowledge and he not only forced but embarrassed your ass to go back there. Not only that bitch he forbid you and you telling me that's where are you getting dressed to go back to?" Tae stared in disbelief as I began to get dressed again to return to Dolla's club.

"I keep telling you he doesn't run me and I'm grown Tae," I said making sure my makeup was cute before putting on my sweats and slippers. I made sure everything got back clean before I checked on Amei and went back downstairs where Tae was located typing away on his phone. Coming up behind him I noticed he was just texting Trina, I hugged him telling him "I will be back before Amei is ready for school, and lock up because I'm gone the whole night ok. I love you and I'm going to text you to tell you I made it safely." Kissing his cheek and squeezing him into a hug.

"I love you too and please be careful." He sighed "Bitch I'm finna drink ya wine too your stressing me the fuck out."

Walking to the car I made sure I had everything before I played some future and pulled off going to my destination. Making my way there in the GPS time of 20 minutes I pranced to the back putting my stuff away as some of the girls stared and mumbled about me being back in the club. Hearing someone squeal I looked up from my phone and saw the Stallion she hugged me tightly before sitting on my lap. "My boo is back." She laughed before biting her lip and staring at me with this weird look on her face.

"Hey Stallion girl how you been? I saw your text but I was too embarrassed to text back." I said twisting my mouth up.

"Stallion baby that's my stage name, and it needs only to be used around them niggas and tricks."

"I'm sorry I never got your name the last time I was here," I said blushing with embarrassment yet again.

"My name is Megan or Meg for short." she tilted my head up with her finger kind of bringing my face up closer to hers almost as if she was going to kiss me. Nah she doesn't even know me like that.

She smiled and giggled some more "You good mama come on let's go take some shots." She grabbed my hand as she practically dragged me to the bar, ordering us 3 shots a piece: D'usse, Henny, and Remy Martin. I laughed at her always staying with a drink in her hand. "Not you bitches having shots without me HAAAAN! Bartender get me the same thing these bitches getting! Trying to leave a boss ass Bronx bitch out!" I smiled at Cardi's crazy ass as she hugged me and Stallion by our necks.

She kissed both our cheeks before our drinks showed up in front of us, I placed my phone in front of us ready to record. "Y'all ready?" Stallion said before we toasted, hit the bar, and threw our drinks back, we did that for all three. I was feeling good apparently so were Bacardi and Meg because they began to make out before both turned to me. I blushed to feel the sexual energy radiating off of them toward me.

"Get over here this is our thing," Meg said groping my thigh while Bacardi grabbed my chin and tongued me down. Meg's hand roamed over me in the meantime making me feel some type of way, it wasn't long before she joined in the kiss. Hands roamed all over me as I heard hoops and hollers, slowly pulling out the kiss Bacardi bit her lip staring at me. "Sexy ass bitches" I blushed before going back to the dressing rooms, I once again fixed myself in the mirror trying to shake my nerves. Looking at my phone seeing it was now 11 pm sharp.

"Let's make this money girl." Looking in the mirror one last time before walking to the main area


I was beyond wasted by the time I made it back in the dressing room, looking at my phone it was 2 am, and I couldn't believe I allowed myself to get so fucked up. Throwing my phone down in frustration I let out soft cries Tae had blown up my phone. I could barely read it so I decided to call him, but he must have read my mind because he called me first. I tried to sound as sober as possible.

"Yes, Tae is everything ok?" I slurred

"No bitch Knowledge is looking for you, he came by here and everything." He sighed "I covered for you but I don't think he believed me. Bitch please tell me you are safe and on your way here." He stressed

I quickly collected all my stuff and put on my clothes while we were on the phone. "Yes Tae, I'm on my way now I promise." I slurred super badly then.

"Bitch you sound fucked up please be careful or do I need to come to get you?" He worried

"No Tae I'm ok I'll be there in 30. I love you and watch my location" I said

"Alright and love you too." Hanging up I grabbed my keys trying to sober up as much as possible before going outside to my car and watching my surroundings, once in my car I couldn't shake this feeling. I quickly locked my doors before trying to find my phone, once I found I immediately dialed Tae before somebody banged on my window scaring the shit out of me. Slowly turning around I prayed it wasn't Knowledge, turning fully I saw it was Brian's friend Jax a white man, I quickly started my car up and put it in reverse as I rolled down my window just a bit to let him speak.

"Hey, I just wanted to say you looked really good doing your thing up there. Can I give you some more money tonight for a private dance?" He smiled. I hesitated to make him sigh before pulling a wad of cash out of his pocket making me second guess my decision of ever getting out of my car. 1. Jax is a thief, 2. Jax is Brian's best friend so this could very well be a setup.

Once again trying to sound sober I spoke, "Why did you wait till I got out here and not in there?" I squinted my eyes at him, and he just chuckled looking off before looking back at me.

"All those men in there throwing more money than I can count, would you have stopped to even think about me?" He said, thinking about it, maybe just depends, watching him look off again I grabbed my pocket knife quickly before undoing it.

"Did you follow me out here?" I asked, "How did you see me leaving." I said getting suspicious.

I saw someone coming towards him from behind, he quickly put the cash back in his pocket and tried to break my window making me jab at his fingers, cutting one off. He screamed out in pain falling to the floor, seeing Brian coming full speed onto my car. He succeeded in breaking my window with one punch which haltered me to smash my gas before stopping and putting it in drive once he was far enough. Trying to run him over he quickly pulled out a pistol firing a sloppy shot or two, I quickly hit the main street almost getting hit as my heart raced all the way to my ass.

I couldn't believe this shit was happening to me, I should have listened to Knowledge.

Quickly and safely making my way into Tae's house I went upstairs and lay in his guestroom not wanting to wake him or Amei up. Pulling my charger from my strip bag, I plugged it in by the bed before putting my phone on it, It was now 4 am. I parked down the street and walked not knowing if Brian or Jax had put a tracker on my car, so I took my chances with walking.

Taking a hot bath, I washed away all the guilt, shame, the men who touched over me, and the nasty talk and thoughts that enveloped my aura tonight. I scrubbed until I couldn't scrub anymore, I silently cried for a good thirty minutes once the water got super cold and I was a prune I got out.


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