Chapter 16

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ARI POV ~8 am

Why did I agree to this bullshit I'm been working out non-stop every ass crack of dawn for two weeks straight I don't know what he's preparing me for but a bitch is tired. My workout consisted of a 4-mile jog every morning, learning how to shoot from close, mid, and far ranges, fighting in up-close combat, and weight lifting. All of this from 4-6 am, I was always tired being that I had Amei to take care of afterward, not that Amei is any problem I knew what I signed up for when I picked up that role. It just gets hard at times, knowing that she depends on me, I want to become a better role model for her but more importantly, I want to be better for myself.

Am I fully prepared, no but every day I'm striving for her because I want the best for us, no matter the obstacles? I continued to do deadlifts while taking a deep breath. Looking around Knowledge had 6 other women in there all of them were more fit, coordinated, and more focused on what they were doing. Meanwhile, I was going with the flow of things, they were older women many of them were slim and very mature and they often didn't talk much. When they did it was in different languages and they often stared at me, and laugh at me as well whenever I would often get frustrated with Knowledge's criticism or him coming here to push me, (a little too far sometimes for my liking.)

"Alright, ladies I'm calling it early." Knowledge spoke, "Ari you stay here." All the other women gathered their belongings and any of the weaponry they needed. Most of the ladies were assassins but I didn't want to ask. For all, I know they could be prostitutes he needed to defend themselves. I stood up straight making sure my body didn't give out from being so sore, "C'mere we need to talk." I sighed before walking towards him and sitting next to him on the bench that I often found myself hunched over for so many reasons.

"I like your progress but we need to speed this up, I want to start teaching you how to shoot a sniper. None of my other ladies can afford to go offshore for a little minute and I need someone new, someone, never seen in the field." I stared at him waiting for him to finish, "I know we have Amei but I promise she will be taken care of while we're gone. I want to make sure everything goes well with you, I need nothing to go wrong cause everything costs, and we definitely can't afford a loss." He smiled partially at me.

"As long as I'm trained properly, and Amei is properly cared for while I'm gone. You won't have any problems out with me, I don't need anything happening to her while I'm gone. How long are we going to be gone anyway?"

"I'm working on that you just make sure you have shit for Amei. Let me know what you need for her and shit, don't matter what it is, you know I got it." He reassured but like always it didn't sit well with me. Frowning my face I folded my arms and sat up straight. "Nah I got it she won't need anything Knowledge just focus on the little mission 'cause I got her."

"That answer right there lets me know ya' don't get it. Pride is too big, you need to stop that shit only gone hurt you in da end. So again this time it's a statement, not a question, whatever Amei needs hit me and I'm going to go get it." He stared at me meanwhile I rolled my eyes very slowly before looking at the ground. Cupping my chin he mugged the hell out of me, before bringing my face real close to his, I stopped breathing to watch him licking his lips before looking him in the eyes.

"Stop fuckin' playing with me, you starting to get on my nerves wit' dat' shit. I'm trying to be nice to you but I'm close to beating you da' fuck up about Mei-Mei, ya stank ass attitude, and you already know I'm still on your ass bout' that club shit." I bit my lip and crossed my thighs subconsciously watching his every move.

Please, GOD, let this man take full control over me right here on this bench.

He stared at me with one eyebrow raised watching my posture. Oh lord, he noticed, the last thing I needed him to do right now. Licking his lips he stared more intensely before shrugging me off and standing, "Get your shit together for real cause I'm on yo' ass and you know it. Later this week Jim gone teach you how to shoot from far ranges and how to shoot riffles. Don't embarrass me you are the youngest one on the team so that means you got better eyesight."

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