Chapter 12: The Meaning of Good and Evil! Pan & Garmadon!

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Pan (Xeno): "See anything, Skylor?"

Skylor: "No, not quite...."

Pan (Xeno): "(Sigh) This is so boring I want to join the battle! They always treat me like a little child, but I'm not! Gragh!"

Skylor: "They want you to be safe in this. You still have Saiyan blood, your skill is more capable of willing to protect everyone you cared for."

Pan (Xeno): "That's true, but I'm brave enough to take care of things myself. Well I'm 10 years old..."

Skylor: "Yet you're a strong girl, Pan. Your grandpa inspired you to keep on training and never lose your loved ones at your side."

Pan (Xeno): "Heh heh, yeah you're right. I'm sorry I was complaining about it earlier, like a spoiled child."

Skylor: "It's okay and I know I still believe you right here..." (Touch Pan's heart)

Skylor: "Friends and family are always here in your heart." 🙂

Pan (Xeno): 😁 "Heh heh heh...🤛"

Skylor: "Heh heh heh...🤜"

Skylor & Pan (Xeno): 🤜 🤛

Lord Garmadon: "Hmmm..."

Pan (Xeno): "On the other hand, I'm a little worried about Hit..."

Skylor: "Oh, so you like him?"

Pan (Xeno): "Uh huh..."

Skylor: "You do realize that he's very old, like a 1,000 years older but much a little younger from his age?"

Pan (Xeno): "Yeah I know, it doesn't really matter anyway. I am still attracted to him...He is so dreamy. 🥰"

Skylor: "Okay, since when did you two meet from the start?"

Pan (Xeno): "Well, while we're participating in the Super Space-Time Tournament to investigate the plot, I was run away by those nasty alien frogs that popped out of his little reptile. Okay I might be a little afraid of...Then one day, a handsome Prince Charming saved me...(Sigh) I remember like it was yesterday." 😊

Daydream of Romantic

Hit: "Are you alright princess?"

Pan (Xeno): 😳

Pan: (Xeno) "Yes....You saved me from that nasty frog guy....Thank you..."

Hit: "Fear not my princess, your great handsome Prince Charming Hit will always protect you"

Pan (Xeno): "Hit...Thank you my brave hero."

Pan (Xeno): 🥰 "Hit..."

Skylor: 😕 "Okay...."

Lord Garmadon's Thought: (Is this girl for real...?)

Pan (Xeno): "Since he saved me, it's my turn to save and protect my DARLING to fight for LOVE!"

Lord Garmadon & Skylor: 😧 "D-Darling?!"

Pan (Xeno): "Yes! That I have had feelings for him for a long time. He's fast and super strong with his Timeskip technique, no one will beat him so hard....I cared about him, I must confess his emotions. It's the nature of love: physical, emotional, and spiritual!"

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