twenty-five || the drill

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          Standing on the wall of Ba Sing Se, we stood in silence as we looked down at the giant drill heading straight for the wall. It must have been over 200 metres, accompanied with more than ten tanks driving alongside it.

          'What are you people doing here? Civilians aren't allowed on the wall!' a guard called out. 

          Aang stepped forward. 'I'm the Avatar. Take me to whoever is in charge.'

          We gave Ying and her family a quick goodbye, with promise they will be safely transported down into the city, before following the guard along the wall. Finally, we came to a section that had long pillars leading to a stone roof. A man sat at a stone desk in the middle of the room, his clothes were a dark green, but were laced with gold, showing his authority. 

          'It is an honor to welcome you to the Outer Wall, young Avatar.' He says, looking down at the papers in his hands. 'But your help is not needed.'

          'Not needed?' Aang asks, confused as the rest of us.

          'Not needed. I have the situation under control. I assure you the Fire Nation cannot penetrate this wall.'

         'What about that drill? Can they really not get through with that?' I ask, disbelieving. He stood up and walked over to the stone railway and shook his head.

          'To stop it, I've sent an elite platoon of earthbenders called the Terra Team.' 

          'That's a good group name. Very catchy.' Sokka mutters.

          Separately, we walk up to the wall to watch the earth benders attack. In a triangle formation, they travel around the sides of the drill, each sending a spear of earth up to halt the machine. As the machine chugs onward, their earth crumbles, but they bring it back up in a second, seemably shielding themselves from someone...

          'no...' I whisper. 

          'What is it?' Aang asks. 

          I shake my head as I watch the two girls run down the drill, dark hair and red clothes swaying in the wind. 'I know them.' I whisper, so the general can't hear. 'They're friends of my sister. If they're here...'

          '... then she is too?' 

          I nod. It takes less than a minute for Mae and Ty Lee to pile them up. Looking through his telescope, the general starts to panic. Sokka slaps him across the cheek, and shouts for him to pull himself together.

          'Maybe you'd like the avatar's help now?' Toph asks. The General gives a brisk nod before walking away.

          'Question is, how are we going to stop that thing?' 

          I look over my shoulder at Sokka, awaiting his answer. 

          He furrowed his eyebrows. 'Why are you all looking at me?'

          'You're the idea guy.' Aang says. Sokka looks puzzled, flipping his head back and forth between us all.

          'Well, I'm out on this one.' he says. Katara turns to me. 

          'What about you? Do you know how to stop this thing?' 

          I look down. 'I don't know, I'm sorry.' 

           She places her hand in mine and smiles reassuringly. 

          Suddenly, Katara is walking away, and then her walk turns into a run. We follow after her, to a medical wing under a similar stone structure. Katara talks lowly to one of the doctors, then with water pouch in hand, she kneels by one of the men.

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