twenty-four || mothers

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          Almost Seven hours later, we gave in to set up camp. Sheltered by a cavernous overhang, I lit the fire that we sat around, our feet sore and swollen. The night air was cold enough to send a tremble through our clothes. 

          Ying and her husband sat away. We gave them space, yet I lit the fire closest to her. I glance over as he rubs her feet, the conversation inaudible but their love airborne. 

          Sokka whispered something in Suki's ear as she laughed. Aang sat with his legs dangling over the rock, Toph had already fallen asleep, her rock tent taking her away from us. Katara huddled next to me, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, which I had refused, saying I didn't get cold easily. 

          The Seven hour walk had left me exhausted, and we had no promise of nearing Ba Sing Se either, with the rocks piled so high on the edges of the walkway you couldn't work out the end. 

          I let my head fall back against the stone with my eyes closed. Exhaustion throbbed in my head, disrupting the little peace I gained. I looked through slits at the stars above me, twinkling white lights that illuminated the deathly dark sky.

          I felt her hand before I heard her, Lazily, I drooped my head towards her. She was smiling tiredly.

          'Arya,' she said, cautiously. 'What was that you said before? About your mom and dad?'

         'You mean I said he killed her?' 

          She nods slightly. I shrugged. Her face seemed to fall, and her eyelids dropped downwards. 

          Something awoke inside me. 'Actually, I don't really know what happened.'

          She looked back up at me, and moved her hand towards my forehead, brushing a stray strand of my hair away. 'Will you tell me?'

          I looked back into her deep blue eyes. In themselves, they held some kind of kind nature that was nurturing. She was the ocean; calm and caring, quiet yet kind. I looked her in the eye when I spoke.

          'I was eight when my mom disappeared. I was never taught what love was, so I didn't know it was missing. I never really knew something was wrong. I was so young I can't even really  remember what happened. One day she was there with us, then I woke the next morning to find out she's gone.' I pause. 'But I know he killed her. It was him. She didn't just leave us alone. She wouldn't have left me there alone.'

         Katara said nothing at first, she just looked at me. And I knew she listened, she was thinking. She brushed a hand over my cheek. 'I've never spoken to anyone about this.' I say, but it comes out a whisper. She pulls me closer to her until I can smell the ash on her shirt. She rubs her hand down my hair and along my back.


          That night, I lay awake with only the stars to keep me company. Sleep and I had become estranged, as much as I chased it, it only ran further. So I thought about everything and nothing until I heard the rustling of sleeping bags from across the put out fire pit. I opened my eyes into slits to glance over at them - Suki and Sokka, who gotten up and sat against some rocks, just under five metres away.

          I almost felt guilty for eavesdropping, but the alternate option (having to tell them I was awake and possibly having to join in) brought me much more discomfort. I closed my eyes and decided to give them as much privacy as I comfortably could.

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