seventeen || his puppet

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          My tears stop before the pain does, and I sit in silence as I focus on the throbbing of my left arm. Cradled in the corner of the room, I feel smaller than I ever have. Now, adrenaline is flowing through my veins, spilling into my heart and coursing around my head, just in time when I hear fighting breaking out in the street. 

         I climb to my feet, grabbing my belongings that had spilled over the floor, keeping my left arm stationary and limp. I step out of the house, just as Azula runs into me, she screams as we fall, a second passes where we lie, staring shocked into each other's eyes, then she's up on her feet and knocking me down. 

          'Well, well, well, Arya,' she says, as she pushes the sole of her boot into the fresh burn on my arm. 'ZuZu wasn't as nice as you thought, huh?'

          I let out an agonized scream, my voice breaking. 'Get off me!' I try to firebend at her, but she jumps off me, grabbing my hands and placing them behind my back. With her hand around my throat, she drags me backwards. I try to stand, but my feet trip on the stones. My senses are put off by the pain blossoming across my body. 

          It's when my eyes start to clear that I see who's backing her into the corner. I look between them one by one. Zuko, Iroh, Aang, Sokka, Katara and a short girl in green I don't recognise. 

          My eyes widen when I feel the cool metal blade press against my neck. 

          'Stay back! Azula shouts. 'Or I cut her throat.'

          She seems to take some enjoyment in watching the six of them puzzle in what to do, then an idea blossoms in my mind. 

          'Just like daddy wants you to, right?' I say, voice low so she knows I'm only talking to her. 'Just like the puppet he raised you to be.'

          'I am not his puppet,' she whispers back, trying to seem unfazed but still sounding angered.

          'Just like the puppet we all know you are,' I say.

          She presses the knife harder against my skin, enough for me to know I'm right. I swallow nervously with what I'm about to let happen. 'Don't test me Arya!'

          'Azula, stop!' Iroh shouts, we make eye contact, and he gives me a knowing look. He knows what I'm doing.

          'What, are you too much of a coward to kill me?' I say. 'Go on, do it, or are you too scar-'

          She drags the blade across my bare neck, and I use her momentum to jump out of her grasp. I fall to my knees, my hand to my neck. I'm too far away from her now for her to grab me back. I'm shaking, praying with everything I have. Katara's down next to me, hysterically pulling out her healing water in an attempt to save my life.

          When I pull my hand away from my neck, there is not one drop of blood.

          The others stare at me in disbelief as I climb to my feet, Katara forces me behind her, not letting go of my arm. Azula puts her hands up in the air, sighing.

          'Well played,' She says, her usual cruel tone everlasting. 'I'm done. I know when I'm beaten, You got me. A princess surrenders with honor.'

          It's in that second that everyone relaxes against her words that she attacks. Azula sends a bolt of lightning straight towards my Uncle.

          'No!' Zuko and I cry in unison. Now, I could kill her. I run back to my Uncle as the five of them pounce on her, air, water, earth and fire.

           I'm calling his name and shaking his shoulders when the explosion occurs. Big black smoke bellows around us, but he's unresponsive. A strong burn lies on his stomach, his clothes burnt and ripped.

          Azula's disappeared when I glance back. 

          Zuko's the first to reach us, he pulls me off our Uncle with the same anger he showed in the house. I hit the dusty ground only to be pulled back up by soft hands. Katara gives me a long, tired look that says so much and so little at the same time.

          'I can help him,' Katara says, not looking away from me. 

          'Leave!' Zuko shouts. 

          I stand up, walking back towards him. 'Zuko, she can help.' I sound like I could crumble. 'Zuko, Please-'

          I'm interrupted by a blaze of fire in my face, I fall backwards to avoid it. 

           'Leave, Arya!' he shouts again. I feel her soft touch on my shoulders, helping me up and pulling me backwards. I let her lead me away from them, further and further until we're flying and there's no going back.

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