"Why do i have to run out of my house? It's not like i have my parents anyway. It's just me and Naruto" i sigh with my hand waving in front of my face.

"R-right.." she frown

"Hey.. Don't feel bad about that. Beside, i used to it" i try to calm her down. I turn to look at Hinata who have same expression as Sakura.

"And for your information, we're going to hot spring. Not out of house. We're here to ask if you'd like to join us?"

"Of course!! Wait a minute and we'll be going" she immediately run into her house and within a minute she's already in front of us.

"Let's go!!" She takes our hands and run to the hot spring.

"Sakura-chan, why do you so excited to get here?" I ask panting even we arrive there. I look at Hinata worryingly since she just done training. She nods saying she's okay.

"Sorry, it's just that i fought my mother and it's so irritating" she say in mad tone and i could even see vein on her forehead.

Both me and Hinata sweatdrop and let out a sigh

"Then let's get in" i say

We walk to women's room and change to towel.

I take out my pigtails hair and make a high ponytail and put it in another towel.

Sakura-chan and Hinata didn't need to do that since their hair are quite short especially Hinata. Do they just wrap the towel around their head.

We clean ourself first before go in warm tub.

"Huuuh..... It's refreshing me after all those travel" i let out a very long sigh of

"Yeahh, it's really comfortable and refresh" Sakura-chan say while Hinata simply nod.

I slide down more until water touch my chin. It's comfortable silent until Sakura-chan open her mouth up.

"Hey it's getting boring.. What about we talk about anything interesting"

"What's do you want to talk about then?" I slide up until the water at my collarbone.

"Boys..." she grin with her have tapping each other

"What do i expect anyway?" I mutter

"Do you guys had take interest in any boy our age?" She ask.

I turn to Hinata to see she's as red as tomato with her mouth under water bubbling something.

"Why are you all red Hinata? Do you have liking someone..?" She ask with smirk.

So that's why heh.. Then let me join you MWEHEHEHEHEH.

"Let me guess.. It's my twin brother isn't it" i tease her with smirk on my face.

At this point, her face could actually explode so we decide to chill her down.

"Don't worry Hina, it's not like he know.." i pat her back.

"It's just me, Narumi-chan, Sasuke-kun, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, Ino pig, Choji, Kakashi-sensei and of course Kurenai-sensei" Sakura-chan list out people who already know Hinata's feeling to my twin.

Hinata's blush fade out as she nods.

"What about you Mina, do you have anyone in mind" Hinata surprisingly ask me.

"Hmm.. Let me think, no!" I innocently tilt my head.

"What about Kiba?"

"Not my type"




"Not my type either"




"Big NO"


"Why do you ask him anyway"


"Well ew "


"Eh, why do you even try" i let out sigh.

"It's almost impossible for girls or age don't have a crush" she say in irritate tone.

"I told you didn't I"

"But i realize you time higher when i said Neji's name " she wiggle hey eyebrows.

"It's because he's a big jerk to his own cousin"

"Are you sure..?" She try to tease me.

"Very sure"

"Then what's your type?" Sakura-chan ask not giving up.

"Someone who cold but have a soft spot for me, i think" i put cup my head.

"But somehow it's reminds me of someone" Sakura-chan say choosing one of her eye.

"Don't Gaara always child to everyone?" She ask. I nod.

"Did he treat you in different way from everyone?" Hinata ask. This girl kinda surprising

"I don't think so" i reply

"But I've always notice he didn't give you cold look but did give that look too me or other even to his own siblings"

"Even if he is, it's more like because Shukaku don't hate my present like he hate other, maybe simply because I'm a jinchuriki"

"Huff, you're no fun!" She pout with Hinata chuckle at her.

"Don't laugh Hinata or else" she try to warn but me and Hinata laugh out loud.

"I told you not to.." she smirk.

All i know that both me and Hinata get tickle by Sakura-chan.

All three of us laugh together and after a while, we decide to go home. 

"Hey Mi-Chan! Why didn't I see you at home before? Don't you ask me where i an when you arrive to Konoha?" He greet me when i opens or apartment door.

"Ouh, i went to hot spring with Hinata and Sakura-chan. Maybe you're home when we still there" i reply

"I see.. What about we go to eat ramen?!" He ask excitedly.

"Nah I'll pass if we going to Ichiraku. I just got home. Can we just make ramen cup and watch some horror movies?" I ask him with my puppy eyes.

"Fine.. I'll make for both of us. Miso ramen like usual?" He ask that i rely with nod and a sign that I'll go changing initio my pajamas so that he won't come in.

We both eat ramen while watching movies with blanket wrapping to our body.

I've realize that we sleep on couch when i awake. I walk to bathroom and brush my teeth and do my skincare routine.

Once i finish showering,i wake my twin up with ramen as our breakfast and go training.

Hey guys, it's been awhile from my last update do here you go. A long chapter since i finally finish my last exam paper last week. I already have some result and I've got no A... yet!
Anyway, hope you enjoy ✨
Don't forget to vote me (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

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