High Impact #86: Lucy Heartfilia vs Kiki

Start from the beginning

Lucy: Listen Ana, you may have gotten quite good alongside Kiki in your run even if you are yet to win more than you lose but may I remind you that I managed to win this title of mine in a triple threat that involucrated freaking Sonya Blade?. This is going to be an easy piece of cake considering how I now have Buddy aligning with myself and that unlike Yumi, she is not going to act against me.

Buddy: If I may add something, yes, I aligned myself with Lucy despite being able to do stuff on my own, but something you forget is that if I get an ally I have no issue sticking with them, I just make them go my way or the highway. And even if they ditch me due to what I want and will do for what I want, I still persevere and win so I am not afraid of Lucy trying anything against our temporary alliance because I will find a way to persevere and specially not afraid of you considering the alliance has a shot of going for the entire match.

*After this both Lucy and Buddy sign the contract and get ready to leave before Ana calls their attention*

Ana: Before you leave, if I may say something, Lucy, Buddy, I wouldn't trust each other if I were you. After all, you both have really big agendas considering how you want to keep your heart of Fairy Tail run onwards and to not be embarrassed AND that Buddy wants to be number one and to do that she has to beat one of us. Now with that, I will leave to prepare Kiki for her match against Lucy, see you later.

*the segment ends with Ana leaving the ring as Buddy and Lucy exchange a glance before shrugging and leaving the ring together once Ana entered backstage as the crowd cheers*

3- *After a commercial break, we see Peach and Karin talking about the latter's first singles match*

Karin: Okay, first singles match. Not going to lie, I don't see odds going well for me. I still think i'll win but it's going to be hard considering I am facing someone like Yoko who is a really well versed person with hitting targets and considering I am her target...

Peach: Oh don't worry Karin, i'm going to be there for support and trust me it is going to feel like if we were teaming up you'll see.

Karin: Still, Yoko has yet to have a match compared to me who has had 2 or technically 3 so while she knows how good I am, I don't plus the fact that Inori and Iku might try something to screw me over.

Peach: You really think they would try this soon again?

Karin: I mean why wouldn't they? They said that they weren't going to do the hard work and beat us the next time so they might try to tick us off into giving them another title match.

Peach: That's...fair thought. However, recall that we are facing Yoko and that she seems like a good person so I don't see her being okay with having a tainted win.

Karin: ...have Daisy on the commentary table just in case.

Peach: What?.

Karin: Just in case, because as much as they may have lost to us in tag team action, theyre still really good in the ring so I don't want them screwing up my match just because they don't want to wait.

Peach: Okay, i'll tell Daisy. Don't worry, you've got this.

Karin: Thanks Peach.

*the segment ends with Peach going to search Daisy while Karin stretches in preparation for her match*

4- *now we move to the ring to see Chloe and Erza face to face as the latter starts the segment*

Erza: So, this is it. The last stop before probably the biggest Openweight Championship match in history---

Chloe: And just like last time when we were part of the biggest match for the Women's Tag Team Championships, I will win.

Erza: Fair point, however may I remind you that you never pinned me but it was either you pinning Lucy then or when you and Rachel won the titles, Rachel pinning me.

Chloe: Who cares about that though, the fact still stands I beat you and I will do so again on Episode 88.

Erza: May I remind you that before you beat Zarya, I did so too?. So you aren't better than me at all, Chloe. We may be close on skills, but trust me I will prevent you from winning my championship

Chloe: Try it if you dare. I have been as dominant as you've been on UCW and even outside of it as one third of the now longest Women's Tag Team Champions by overcoming whose reign? Oh yeah, YOURS.

Erza: Then again, that took you all like 3 attempts right?. Because who did we beat to win and retain during our reign which was the first ever?: Oh yeah, you and your group!. Hell, you like to talk about dominance, well then why didn't you all get a client till just NOW?.

Chloe: Shut up---

Erza: No I won't. I know that the last time someone underestimated you got their asses beaten but I am not just someone, I am Titania, I am ERZA SCARLET and you, you're just a kid with their friends trying to make bank through beatdowns as hired guns and failing horrendously no matter how much you succeed.

*Chloe turns around and attempts to clothesline Erza before she grabs her by the arm and turns her to look straight at her face*¨

Erza: Listen to me and listen to me well. You want your little business services to work?. Bring your a-game for I will do the same so that you have a chance at beating me. Because until you do not do that then you and your group will never get hired because I am one of the best this company has to offer and I will push you back---

*Erza pushes Chloe to the ground*

Erza: Until you can manage to do the same and beat me for your own goals to finally start working well. See you on Episode 88.

*Erza then proceeds to attempt to leave only for the pissed Chloe to try and attack her from behind and fail as Erza ducks rebounds off the ropes and hits the Scarlet Spear before exiting as the crowd cheers and she raises her Openweight Championship*

5- Karin Yuuki vs Yoko Littner:

The story of the match was how Karin initially had a disadvantage against Yoko due to not being that good fighting one on one which showed specially against the precise Yoko who would gain a 75/25 lead.

However, as time went on and with the support of Peach and Daisy, funningly enough she felt like she wasn't alone in the ring and thus was able to slowly but surely turn the match back and forth by the last section of the match which was damn impressive considering how much she had going against her in the first place.

Even so, there was one point where a nearfall via rollup happened after Inori tried to get to the ring from one side while from the crowd Iku tried the same which got shut downed by Peach and Daisy and Yoko tried a rollup which only got a 2 but at the same time affected Karin's performance since she now didn't trust Yoko to not be a screwy person and she started looking around just in case no matter how effective Peach and Daisy had proven as enforcers, she just didn't trust Yoko at all which she didn't exactly notice but regardless she took advantage and got the win clean after a Swinging Back Elbow.

After the match, we see Yoko celebrating her win as from the crowd Iku and Inori smirk having gotten one over the Extra Tag Champs.

6- Non-Title match: Lucy Heartfilia vs Kiki:

The story of this match at first was about showing how Kiki had gotten better in the ring after the early struggles on her career and how even if Lucy was still on control 75/25, Kiki was getting an immensive amount of offense againt the Women's Champion.

However, Ana then started to get involved moreso than to help her partner, to basically cause dissension between Lucy and Buddy as she interfered to give brief but important 55/45 lead over Lucy to Kiki while Buddy sometimes interfered and sometimes was too late which one could chalk up to Ana being able to dodge her or wanting an easier time at the ppv.

Regardless, slowly over time Lucy and Buddy started to have some tensions even if in the end Lucy managed to beat Kiki after Buddy tripped her right into a Lucy Kick.

The show, however, ended with a bit of tensions between Lucy and Buddy before the latter offered a handshake which Lucy accepted with gritting teeth as she told her to not screw her over or try anything while Buddy just nodded and Ana as she helped Kiki to her feet looked at them with an smile as she knew she was getting there.

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