017. the beginning of the end

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iMessage + IRL!

A/N: read at ur own risk, there may or may not be a ton of spelling/grammar errors in this

Macy was worried sick about Gracie. It'd been hours since she left for her meeting and there was no way it should've lasted that long. She should be back by now, but she isn't. She's called, texted, and asked for her location and there's nothing. She knew something was going on with her but maybe it was worse than she'd thought. Whenever Gracie was worried about something or going through something she would just completely isolate herself. But she always came home, she never just stayed out. Macy walked over to the windowsill and sat, looking down at the bumbling city below her, bright lights and all. She wondered if Gracie was out there, where she was If she was safe. Maybe she should try texting her again, she thought. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her messages. 




where the fuck are you

it's been eight hours and I called Sarah

she told me the meeting ended at two o clock

and I called all your friends so I know you're not with them

you can keep doing wherever you're doing

or u can stay wherever you are

I just want to know that you're okay

I'm like freaking out seriously

I know i just did the same thing but at least you knew where i was

( delivered 8:08 pm)


please just answer


i don't know what to do

literally give me any sign that you didn't like die or something

what the hell??? 

( delivered 10:24 pm)



gracie's besties

the girlfriend

guys she literally wont answer

it's been hours

idk what to do

i'm like going to have a panic attack rn

the nice one

i'm calling she wont answer me either

the lightweight

i'm sure she's fine

but maybe we can come help you look for her

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, GRACIE ABRAMSWhere stories live. Discover now