011. bittersweet

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Macy and Gracie have been together officially for five months now. They were healthy and closer than they'd been before. Macy had finally found the balance in the life she'd been hoping for between her friends, work, and her relationship. Even more important than that she rediscovered her own agency within this relationship. She learned how to be her own person within her relationship with Gracie and it made her happier than ever. 

Macy watched from Gracie's bed as she packed her things into a suitcase. Unsurprisingly, Gracie was a very last-minute packer and she waited three hours before their flight to pack her stuff.  She seemed quite frustrated with herself, speeding around her bedroom practically turning it upside down searching for something Macy wasn't privy to. She watched and waited for a few minutes just to see if she would ask for help. Macy waited five more minutes before asking, "Need some help?".

Her tense expression dropped and her shoulders slumped. "Please?". 

"Alright, what're you looking for?"

"I can't find my sunglasses"

Macy smirked and walked out of her bedroom and over to the kitchen table. Gracie rolled her eyes and snatched them out of her grasp. "Where were they?".

"The table. I really can't believe you're waiting until hours before to pack your shit"

"Oh shut up! not all of us pack three weeks in advance like you!"

"I mean i'd say packing three weeks before is more efficient than packing hours before"

"Efficient my ass"

Macy grinned and crooked a finger out to her, signaling for her to come over. "Come here". Without any push back she stomped over to the bed and slithered in between her arms. She'd insisted when they woke up this morning that she was fine and she didn't need any help because she knew exactly where everything was. But time was running out and she was far too stressed to get anything done properly. The two of them were headed to California for a few weeks. Macy, to visit her parents and Gracie to visit her friends. Originally Macy was supposed to go with Gracie to visit her friends but they both decided they wanted to keep their relationship under wraps for a while since it was still so new. Neither of them were bothered by it, Macy missed her family anyways and they were still staying in an Airbnb together so it's not like they'd never get to see one another. 

"You were right, I should've packed last night like you did" she groaned into her shoulder. She shut her eyes out of exasperation. Macy felt bad for her she really did. She knew the best thing for them to A: get out of here on time and B: prevent her girlfriend from having a mental breakdown was to help her pack.

"It's going to be fine, how about I help you pack your stuff?" She tried in her most sympathetic tone. The brunette perked up and smiled warmly. "Thank you". Macy placed a small kiss to her nose and got up to get to work. "So show me what you have so far".

When she opened her suitcase Macy's eyes bulged out in horror. Modeling required traveling a lot of the time so over the years she learned how to pack proficiently and skillfully. But what Gracie had done was the work of someone who's never been on a trip in their life which she knew wasn't true for her. She shook her head and began emptying the entire suitcase. 

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, GRACIE ABRAMSWhere stories live. Discover now