010. troublemakers

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Macy woke up with a slight headache. She sat up in her bed and touched a hand to her forehead, instantly feeling the pain. She looked over to her right expecting to see Gracie sleeping but all that was left was a neatly made side of the bed. Did she dream that Gracie came over last night? She was pretty sure she came over. Macy really needed to stop drinking. She reached absentmindedly to her nightstand for her phone, only to find a note, a cup of water, a pack of aspirin, and a container full of fruit. Of course, Gracie would do that. What a fucking saint! god, I love her,  Macy thought to herself. The note read, "Had a meeting early this morning, couldn't stay for long. Hope you feel better. xoxo, stunning mcgorgeous". Her heart soared at the note. Gracie was so god damn thoughtful it hurt. Macy thought about crying for a few minutes and she really was on the verge of tears until she swallowed them back down and put a hand to her chest. Nobody ever did these kinds of things for her like ever. 

It was remarkable how thoughtful and caring of a person Gracie was, despite all the back and forth they did. There was just a feeling she gave her that Macy couldn't even put into words. She took a sip of the water and let it ease down her throat. She felt like she'd just completely refreshed herself. 


hottie mcsexy

tysm for the water and the pills and the food

also thanks for coming over last night

even though i was drunk lmao

stunning mcgorgeous

you're welcome

i wish i could talk but i'll be in meetings all day

and then i have this dinner thing with Clover and Kira

hottie mcsexy


come over tonight then

stunning mcgorgeous

no u come over

hottie mcsexy

what's wrong with my place?

stunning mcgorgeous

nothing i just want to sleep in my own bed

hottie mcsexy

but i want to sleep in my bed

stunning mcgorgeous

fine i'll come to ur place

but you owe me

your bed is uncomfortable as fuck

i swear i almost broke my back

hottie mcsexy


what do i owe you?

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, GRACIE ABRAMSWhere stories live. Discover now