Chapter 9. Arrival at Coaldon.

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It was an awesome sight to see Tamara Sherring as she was walking through the vast forest. She towered over the trees, the tops of trees reached her crotch and some reached her stomach. The ground just shook and trembled with each step she took. Kevin as he sat there on her right shoulder just took in the view and he was in awe. He was thinking fast about what he wanted Tamara to do. He checked his cell and he figured that Tamara was still a good 25 minutes from Coaldon. Coaldon was a good 12 miles from the forest. Kevin looked up at the right side of Tamara's head and he said her name. There was no response, so he said her name a few more times and no response. He then said her name a bit louder and Tamara responded.

"Yes Kevin," said Tamara.

"Sorry Tamara, I said your name a few times but you did not respond," replied Kevin.

Tamara answered, "Kevin, I am 200 feet tall, to me you are only 2 inches tall. When a person speaks to me their voice is faint and high-pitched. So if you talk normally I can't make out what you say. All I hear is just some high-pitched noise. Just like my voice to you is thunderous."

Kevin replied, "Sorry, I did not realize. Hey, could I ask you for a favour? Since you have a thunderous voice do you think you could announce to Melissa my ex-girlfriend that I am with you?

Tamara replied, "Sure I can."

Kevin replied, "Thank you."

  Kevin then being very convincing told Tamara a bunch of lies about Melissa.  Now Tamara believes him because Martin earlier told her that one of his good friends had told him that this Melissa Anderson has a terrible temper. 

Tamara continued her walk through the vast forest, and she was now only 5 miles from the edge of the forest then only 12 miles to the city of Coaldon. Now Coaldon was a good size city with a population of 85 600. The city was divided into two parts north and south with a 4-lane highway and a twin railway track dividing the north and the south. The downtown part was located in the north part. The city had 4 tall buildings 3 were in the downtown part and one in the south section. The tallest building was an office tower located in the downtown part; the office tower was 16 floors. People on the top 3 floors could look out across the city. Melissa Anderson Kevin's ex worked on the 16th floor.

Now Kevin had lied to Tamara about the languages. Both he and Melissa spoke Romanian so he knew that Melissa would understand. He figured that Martin would not look into this and he was right Martin was not looking into this. He was too focused on what will happen when Tamara arrives at Coaldon. Tamara reached the edge of the forest and now she was walking through the foothills. Coaldon was just 8 miles from the foothills. Kevin could see the city out in the distance. He then called up Melissa.

Melissa was sitting at her desk and her cell rang, Kevin's name popped up and she let out a loud sigh. She answered it.

"What is it Kevin, what do you want?" said Melissa in a slow tone.

Kevin replied, "Melissa, you dumped me and I am on my way to Coaldon and you are going to get it, Melissa, oh you are gonna get it now you bitch."


Kevin replied, "Melissa listen. I am not going to do anything. My new girlfriend Tamara Sherring is on her way to Coaldon and I am with her and she will deal with you. You see Tamara Sherring is a giant."

Melissa hung up and she put her cell down. Just then one of Melissa's coworkers came into the office, it was Becky and she was holding her cell.

Becky said, "Hey Melissa, I just got a weird call from my boyfriend Chris. He said that he saw a Giant heading towards our city."

Melissa got up and said, "Yeah my ex-boyfriend Kevin said that he is coming here with his new girlfriend Tamara Sherring. He said that Tamara is a Giant. Listen, Becky, there is no such thing as a giant. I think that Kevin most likely convinced Chris to play along with his weird strange game."

Just then a scream was heard coming from the conference room with also functioned as a lounge. The Conference room was just down the hall. The room had 5 large windows that looked over the city. Both Melissa and Becky ran into the Conference room where they saw two other coworkers standing there, Jessica, and Zoey both looking out at something. Then two guys entered and they too were looking at something in the distance.

Becky said, "What's going on? Why did you scream Zoey?"

Zoey pointing said "Look there way over there. Something large is headed this way."

Both Melissa and Becky looked and there was a way in the distance they could see a person. Everyone there just stared. Then one of the guys Carl spoke,

"Hey, something is not right. That looks like a person but if we can see that person then, no it's not possible. We should not be able to see someone that far away beyond the city. That's like 5 miles away. No No, it can't be. We are all drugged."

Becky said, "Why not Carl?"

Carl replied, "If you can see a person that far away, then that person is a giant, and I don't mean like 8 feet tall I mean they are huge large as a building."

Everyone there looked again and now Tamara was easily seen as in the past few minutes she was now only 4 miles from Coaldon. Melissa and her co-workers were now seeing Tamara as she was coming upon the city.

Zoey said, "Oh my gosh!! That's a giant, oh gosh a Giant."

Melissa remembered what Kevin said. She grabbed the pair of binoculars that were on the ledge and she looked through the binoculars at Tamara and saw a man she did not recognize sitting there on her left shoulder. She then looked over a bit and that's when she saw her ex-boyfriend sitting there on Tamara's right shoulder. Melissa dropped the binoculars and she backed away. Becky noticed and she walked up to Melissa. Tamara was now easily seen cause of her great size.

Becky said, "Melissa you look scared. Do you know that girl?"

Melissa replied, "No but Kevin called me and he said that he is coming here with his new girlfriend Tamara. He said that Tamara will deal with me. I thought he was making it up and then I saw him sitting there on Tamara's right shoulder."

Tamara was now only 2 miles from Coaldon.  Tamara continued her walk to Coaldon. Tamara Sherring was now only a mile from the city limits.


When Tamara spoke her thunderous voice just thundered across Coaldon. Tamara then slowed down as she reached the city limits and she entered Coaldon. People across Coaldon saw her and people were now running through the streets screaming.  


Tamara then slowly headed across Coaldon towards the downtown part of the city. 

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