Chapter 1. Tamara is seen.

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                                         Name:            Tamara Sherring.

                                           Age:                  30

                                         Height:            200 feet _______ 60 m 96cm

                                         Weight:             4634   tons.

  Joan and her friend Carley were driving down the highway, they had left the city and were driving to a small town about 30 miles from the city. Joan was driving and Carley was in the passenger seat, both girls were having a conversation. Their conversation was cut short when Carley let out a scream and she pointed out the front window off to the side at something large moving across the countryside. Joan looked too and realized it was a human, but much larger.

Joan slammed on the brakes and the car came to a stop. Then Carley shouted, "OH MY GOD!! THAT THAT'S TAMARA SHERRING!!! LOOK AT THE SIZE OF HER, SHE IS A GIANT A GIANT. HOW THE HELL DID SHE GET SO HUGE!!" 

There was fear in Carley's voice and she began to shake and tremble with fear, along with Joan.Yes Tamara was a giant and she was walking towards the highway, she had on her black sleeveless top and her tight blue soft jeans and her hair was down. She towered at a height of 200 feet. Joan started to drive and both girls were watching Tamara. Joan's hands were just trembling as she was holding onto the wheel.

They were coming upon a curve in the highway and they saw Tamara approaching the highway. Tamara didn't stop she just stepped over the highway with ease, she took a couple of steps and she stopped. Joan and Carley were about 1/2 mile from Tamara, Joan slowed the car down and both girls watched Tamara. Tamara put her hands on her hips and looked around, off to the side of her in a two-clock position was a town about 3 miles away.

Just then Tamara dropped her hands to her sides and headed towards the town, and as she walked the ground just trembled with every step she took and both girls felt it. Joan was following Tamara on an old dirt road that leads to the town, as she was driving Carley rolled down the window and looked up at Tamara as she was walking. As Tamara walked the ground just shook with each step she took and both girls felt it. As Tamara walked her bum cheeks and thighs jiggled in her tight soft jeans with each step she took. With Tamara's great size she was coming upon the town quite fast with Joan and Carley close behind in Joan's car. As Tamara neared the town she slowed down her walk and stopped right outside it.

Joan drove into the town and both she and Carley got out and they saw several people in the streets just staring at Tamara. Just then Tamara just turned and headed away from the town as quickly as she had arrived. Now as Tamara turned and headed away both girls felt the ground under their feet tremble. Carley breathing heavily said, "Joan what's going on, like how the hell did Tamara just become a Giant?" Joan replied, "I...I have no idea, hey let us follow her to see what she does come." Both girls got into the car and they headed out of town and decided to follow Tamara who was now heading across the countryside.

Giant Goddess TamaraOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant