Chapter 25

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The roads were now almost completely empty. It was so stormy that Misha couldn't drive his car a lot faster than just 30 miles per hour. Our sight was almost completely blocked by the heavy rainfall, and both of us were looking at the road in full concentration.

At this point, I started regretting drinking more than two glasses of wine. I've had four in total, and even though I wouldn't want to call myself tipsy, I definitely felt a little more blurry than I did before drinking that last glass. And that while I could really use my focus right now. Because not only were we risking our lives going through this typhoon, I also needed to be able to fix the problems that we were going to our office for.

And the fact that Misha Zaveri was still in my presence, sitting next to me, didn't make things any easier. This chemistry between us was undeniably present, and it was giving me a hard time. I had been planning on ignoring what happened in the office, but apparently Misha had other plans, since was literally touching the bare skin of my exposed leg at dinner. I could still feel it tingling in the places he touched. I wanted more.

"I hope we can still fix it," I murmured softly, breaking the silence. I looked at Misha, who was concentrated on the road, but nodded at my words. "Me too," he replied. He looked at the stormy skies, and I followed his gaze. "And I hope we're able to get home tonight, since they predicted the peak at twelve or one. If it gets even worse than this.." he spoke, and my heart started racing. I hadn't even thought about that. If the weather would get even worse, I doubted there would even be an Uber available.

And as an answer to his observation, I started giggling. Giggling. I really shouldn't have taken that last glass of wine.. "Ah, spending the night together at our abandoned office, classic," I teased, grinning a little. Stupid, Nadezeya. Despite what just happened, I had no idea what the mood was between me and Misha, and I had no idea what I could and definitely could not say. So seeing the way a small grin broke out on his face, was a relief. 

"Could make a good movie scene," he added to my teasing, after which he quickly glanced at me. It was only a split second that we looked at each other, since he had to keep his eyes on the road to avoid problems. But in those few split seconds, many feelings started to erupt in my body. Because I could tell there were emotions of lust and desire in his eyes, and I felt the exact same way. The kiss we'd shared wasn't enough. I had already become an addict to the way his lips touched mine. I was doomed.

"Hm, yeah," I murmured, as I averted my gaze to the road again. "Depends on what would happen if we got stuck inside together, though," I innocently spoke, because I wanted to make him feel the way he could make me feel. But I said the words as if they meant nothing, and as if I was genuinely wondering. I could hear Misha sighing, and from the corner of my eyes, I could see him gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. It did something to him, and it was my payback for what he did during dinner. "Nadya, don't," he told me, which made every muscle in my body tense. By the tone of his voice, I could tell he said this only because he had to focus on the road. But after a short moment, I could feel him staring at me, while I just kept looking ahead of me. I did not want to let him win, and right now it looked like I was the one winning. But only because Misha was driving.

And the fact that he was still driving, was also the reason I decided to not take this any further. I didn't want to die just yet.

It took us over half an hour to get back to the office. A dreadful thirty minutes in which my mind had been constantly spinning with thoughts. Most of them were about Misha Zaveri, and about what the hell was going on between us. But I was also worried. What if we weren't able to fix the issues with the lost data before the event? We had to.

"You ready?" Misha asked me the moment he parked his car in the garage. I sighed deeply, looking at the way it was literally pouring outside. Of course I wasn't ready to walk through that.. "I really deserve an employee of the month award for this," I murmured, as I looked at Misha once more, grinning. He responded with a soft chuckle and opened his door. We both got out of the car and walked to the exit of the garage, after which I took off my heels so that I could run as fast as possible. I held my shoes in my hand, and started running. I ran as fast as I could with Misha following me, and we didn't stop until we reached the entrance. Misha hurriedly took his key out of his pockets, which didn't take long, but it was enough of a wait to completely drain us with water. The both of us were literally soaked entering the fancy building.

Misha turned off the alarm system using a code that I could see him typing in from a distance. Nine, zero, zero, five. It could come in handy someday, that I now knew this code. As soon as the alarms were switched off, he pushed some buttons to make the building light up. And the minute everything seemed ready, he turned around to look at me. His suit was so wet that I could see his blouse clinging to his body. It looked sexy. And I was still standing there, barefoot and with water dripping from my blonde locks. Misha grinned once he saw me, after which he motioned for me to come with him to the elevator. Misha pushed the button, and after that we were just standing there, waiting for the doors to open. We would again be sharing a small space together, and I had no idea how to feel about that.

Or, actually, I knew exactly how I felt about that. I was longing for everything Misha Zaveri could give me, and that had nothing to do with Nadya. Nadezeya wanted him. She wanted to kiss him, to feel him, and it was literal torture standing inside the closed-off space of the elevator with him. But we had no choice. I knew that we had to focus, or else there was no way we could save the event. We couldn't get caught up in our feelings and temptations.

"Ain't this something," was the thing Misha said to interrupt the silence and therefore my stream of thoughts. I looked up at him, and saw him looking back at me, smiling. As if he had been admiring me while I was lost in thoughts. My heart was pounding. "It is something," I answered, grinning. And the moment these words left my mouth, a soft noise sounded, telling us that we had arrived on the right floor.

In complete silence, we walked to our office. And even though I knew I had to stop thinking about what happened between me and Misha this evening, I couldn't get it out of my head. I could still feel his touch lingering on me. "I'm going to get changed real quick first," Misha informed me, as he switched on the lights and grabbed the garment bag with his brand-new suit inside. "Sure, I'll start up the computers first," I answered, as I walked to his desk.

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