Mike ran towards him and stepped in front of him which caused Will to stop in his tracks. "Mike?" "Will.. we need to talk." Before Will could respond, Mike grabbed his hand and led him to a bench.  He sat down and pulled Will next to him.

"So, I heard from El that you liked me?" Will's eyes almost popped out of his head. "Yea, so.. what about it?" "Well, I like you too. Yea, I know this seems so sudden but I know now that my heart belongs to you." Will's eyes formed with tears. "W-Wait.. are you serious? I thought you and El were together?"

Mike shook his head. "We just cut it off just now. El likes Max now and I.. Well- I like you." Will shook his head. "W-What about Lucas? They can't just do Lucas like that." Mike smiled at him. "It's fine. I'm going to talk to Lucas about them having a poly relationship." Will looked up at Mike and tears started to pour out.

Mike immediately pulled Will into a hug, bringing him close. He kissed the top of Will's head and kept him close just like that. Once Will was done crying, he pulled back and his eyes wondered to Mike's eyes while Mike's wondered to Will's lips. He moved a little closer before stopping to ask Will for consent.

"May I kiss you, Will?" Will didn't even respond before kissing Mike proudly and passionately, some people smiling and cheering for the two.

After about 3 minutes into the kiss, Mike pulled back. "Willy, will you be my boyfriend?" Will smiled at him. "Of course I will, Mikey." Mike stood up and interlocked his and Will's hand before bringing him to go eat some food, both as happy as ever.

Elumax time

El looked around for Lucas and Max at the movie theater. She saw Lucas and Max holding hands and smiling as they left the movie theater. Her heart broke a little but she ignored it. She walked up to both of them.

"Oh, hey Eleven!" "Hey El!" El smiled at both of them before interlocking her arm with Max's and jumping to the food court with Lucas and Max. They stopped at the booth and ordered some food. They all got a burger with fries.

They found a table and took a seat, Max sitting in the middle of Lucas and El. "How are you El? Haven't seen you since we went to the water park! We both missed you." Said Max. Lucas smiled at El. "Oh nothing. What have you guys been doing?" "Max has been trying to learn how to surf. She wants to learn how to surf now." Responded Lucas, smiling at Max.

Max rolled her eyes and took a bite out of her burger, as well as Lucas. El took a bite out of her fry. "Oh wait, you got something on your face, Lu,Lu." Lucas glared at her. " I told you stop calling me that Maxine." Max glared at him before throwing a napkin at him and turning her attention to El who looked upset.

"What's wrong El? Did Mike hurt your feelings again?" El's head shot up towards her. "No, No, No, No, No. He didn't do anything! Actually, we kinda just.. broke up." Max slammed her hands on the table. "What.. Happened.." El got scared but it soon calmed down once Lucas put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Stop, your scaring her Maxine. Maybe you should calm down. Whatever it was, it must have been a lot so don't try to make her force her words." El gave Lucas a kind smile before turning her attention back to Max who's face softened. Max grabbed her hands.

"I'm sorry. Maybe-" Max was interrupted by Mike and Will entering the food court,  smiling and holding hands. Max turned around quickly and her eyes immediately landed on them holding  hands. Mike stopped in his tracks and Will stood there shook. Max got up quickly and chased both of them, El and Lucas following close behind. Let's just say.. they were in for something.

Mike dragged Will behind a bush, still holding hands and telling him to hush. Max ran outside and looked around for both of them. "I'M GOING TO FIND BOTH OF YOU, YOU UNLOYAL STUPID IDIOTS! HOW DARE YOU GUYS TREAT EL LIKE THAT!" Lucas grabbed Max's arm to calm her down. "We're going to find those idiots, just wait a second... I'm out of breath."

Max rolled her eyes and kept walking around until she spot something behind a bush. 'There they are' thought Max before running towards the bush. She got a branch before lightly tapping them on their heads. Will and Mike slowly looked up to see Max looking pissed.
They both got up and ran as fast as they could with Max chasing them with a tree branch.

Lucas and El finally caught up with Max and grabbed her arms. Will and Mike turned around, seeing Lucas and El trying to calm down Max. It seemed to work because she put the branch down but stood there with her arms crossed around her chest.

"EXPLAIN" Will and Mike looked at each other before Mike spoke up. "Well, me and El broke up because I like Will and she likes you more than a friend. She was going to tell you but due to you and Lucas still being together, I tried to tell her that you guys can have a poly relationship. I told her I would be happy as long as she is. That is everything you need to know."

Everyone stood there shook except for Mike and El. Even though Mike told Will, it's still shocking to him. Max turned towards El and gave her a hug. El hugged her back. "You know, I think a poly relationship would be cute." Said Max.
She looked at Lucas to see his reaction.
Lucas still had a shocked expression but it disappeared.

"As long as Max and El is happy, I.. guess we could have one." Max smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Everyone started letting out breaths that they didn't know they were having in. Max smiled at El and interlocked their fingers, as well as with Lucas. All five of them went for a walk to discuss different things.

Ronance Time

Nance looked at her phone and thought about calling Robin, her girlfriend. She picked up her phone and dialed Robin.
Robin picked up the phone.

R: Hey Nance. What's up?

N: I miss you. Can you come over?

R: Fine. But you have to help me with my work from school.

N: Okay fine.

R: Bye Nance

N: Bye Robin

Nance quickly ran to the living room and cleaned up. She put some movie suggestions on the table, got into a comfortable outfit, made some food, and put out blankets.

Robin knocked on Nance's house door, waiting for an answer. Nance opened the door and Robin's mouth instantly dropped. Nance smirked at her. Robin quickly fixed her position.

"Oh, hey Nance." Nance smiled at her and pulled her inside. Robin looked around the house in awe before running to the kitchen when she smelt food. She looked around to see her favorite food. She quickly made a plate and went to the front room. She saw Nance smiling at her and she smiled back before taking a bite out of her food.

She sat next to Nance and kissed her cheek. "You look really beautiful. I can't wait to spend the whole night with you." Nance picked up the movie suggestions and showed them to Robin. Robin picked Halloween. Nance put the movie into the DVD player and sat closer to Robin, cuddling close to her.

Robin wrapped her arms around Nance and put her head on Nance's. During the middle of the movie, there was a very scary jump scares which made Robin jump. Nance smiled at her and brought her closer so Robin's head was on her chest. She held Robin's head to make sure she knew that she was here for her.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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