Chapter 2

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"He opened his locker and-"

He opened his locker and loads of trash started falling on the ground. He tried picking it up before anyone saw but Jason, Steve, and other kids saw him picking it up and started laughing at him.

"Could you try not to be so trashy, you freak! It's actually good that you're picking up the trash because I might have more for you." Steve said and walked to the trash can, picking it up and making his way over to Eddie. He dumped all of the trash on Eddie's head and everyone began laughing while pointing at him. He didn't know why people bullied him, they just did it for fun.

Eddie got up and ran to the bathroom, not really caring about people beating him up. He just wished he could die and then he wouldn't have to go through all of this. He didn't know why he kinda fell for Steve. The jerk always bullied him and so did Jason.

He ran into a stall and began crying his heart out. After crying, his eyes began to burn from crying. After some time, the stall opened to reveal one of Eddie's friends from HellFire.

"You alright Eddie? I heard crying and I wanted to come check on you to make sure you were alright in here." The boy looked very concerned for Eddie. "I'm not alright. Them bitches put trash in my locker and that jerk Harrington poured trash on me. You expect me to be alright after that!?" The boy kneeled infront of Eddie and pulled him into a hug.

"Look here Eddie, I know you go through a lot and I know you want to kill yourself but don't let them assholes get to you. You are strong. You've been through this a lot of times so don't let them get to you now. We can go pick up the trash together and you could go to you're class." Oliver said and pulled back to look at his friend. Eddie nodded and they both got up and walked to Eddie's locker, talking and laughing.

They arrived in front of Eddie's locker and began looking at all of the trash they would have to pick up. Eddie snuck a glace at Oliver. "You don't have to help me if you don't want to. I'm not going to-" Eddie was cut off when Oliver began speaking. "It's fine. I told you that I will help you with picking up this trash so let's pick it up." Oliver said, smiling at Eddie and beginning to pick up the trash, Eddie following after.

They smiled and laughed while picking up the trash. Once they we're done, they went back to the bathroom to wash their hands and made their way to their separate classes. Eddie felt good because next class, his friend Oliver was going to be in his class and he wasn't going to be alone.

(They have 5 classes in total, not including lunch. In the first class, Eddie sits with Steve and Jason. In second class, he sits with Nancy. Third class, he sits with Robin. Fourth class, he sits with Steve and Oliver. Last class, he sits with Jason, Steve, and Oliver.)

Eddie arrived in class and everyone immediately started whispering about him. He ignored all of them and made his way towards Robin, his other best friend. Surprisingly, he didn't smell bad at all, he smelt really good. (Idk what's wrong with me😭) Once he sat down, he was immediately brought into a tight embrace from Robin. Robin LOVED with people smelt good so this was going to be a lot for Eddie.

"You smell really good Eddie. What did you use and where did you get it from? The phone number and location right now." Robin whispered, waiting for an answer. "There is no way I smell good. Trash from the damn trash can got on me and you're saying I smell good?! You must be Hallucinating." Eddie said. Robin rolled her eyes and turned her attention towards Nancy, who she wanted to cuddle so badly. Eddie just sat there and avoided everyone's gazes. All throughout class, Eddie heard whispers and laughs but he ignored them.

Class ended and it was lunch. Students were making their way to the cafeteria and some decided to go in their cars to eat.

Eddie made his way to the cafeteria with Robin and Nancy, his best friends. Nancy and Robin were talking about puppies while Eddie was looking for Oliver. They were gonna play games in Eddie's car and eat. Eddie spotted Oliver and walked over to him.

"Hey Oliver, ready to play those fun video games that just came out?" Eddie asked excitedly. "You know it! Let's go!" They both made their way to Eddie's car and went in. They pulled out the video game system they brought and played video games while laughing and smiling.

"You cheater!" Oliver yelled, annoyed that he lost and Eddie won 3 times in a row. Eddie responded with a charming smile. "I don't cheat, dude. You just suck at the game." Eddie said, while eating his chips he had. Oliver had a chicken sandwich, fries and Doritos. Eddie had a cheeseburger, nuggets and original lays.

"Whatever Man. What time is it? We have the next class together." Eddie checked the time and lunch just ended. "Shit! Lunch just ended and I don't want a detention! We gotta go dude." They quickly put the game up, grabbed their
bags and ran to they're next class.

Steve looked around the classroom, in search for Eddie. 'Wait, why am I looking for him? I don't care for him so why the hell am I looking for him. I just want to make his life a living hell anyways.' The door to the class opened to reveal Eddie... and it looked like there was some one else with him. Steve tried to get a good look at the boy but he didn't have to because both boys walked to his table.

They sat down and that's when noticed that Steve was there and scoffed. Steve death glared him and put his focus on the teacher. (Oliver is straight so he won't fall in love with Eddie but there is gonna be some drama in later chapters 🤓)

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