9 - An Explosive Experience (finale)

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Your POV.

You Wake up inside of an RV, You notice your hands are a lot Smaller. You look around to nobody There, you Walk up to the front Seat To see nobody driving it. The Door opens and Lee Walks in, Carrying Two Cups of Coffee with him.

Lee: "Hey Kiddo.."

You get up and hug him, he ruffles your hair.

Lee: "Mind If we talk a bit?"

You both sit down in the back Where the table is and sit across from each other, you take A sip of your coffee. Lee laughs.

Y/N: "Hm?"

Lee: "Sorry, I only remember you as that Child I took with me. I had forgotten I've been gone a long time."

Y/N: (Sad tone) "Yeah.. it's hard with you not with me. I try my best be like you, to keep Clementine safe but I'm such a fuck up. I just want to make you proud.."

Lee: (laughs) "Really? Do you think I'm not proud of you already? You grew up fast in order to protect your loved ones, You fought a long hard battle and I'm sorry you had to go through that but you're one strong kid, if That isn't something to be proud of I don't know what is."

Y/N: (Smiles) "Thanks Lee.. I needed that. So.. there's something I gotta tell you.. Me and Clementine are sort of a thing.."

Lee: (Chuckles) "I always knew you two would wind up together Eventually."

Y/N: "You're not Mad? I thought you'd be pissed."

Lee: "I sorta Figured out you wanted to be with her the moment you Traveled Across a Walker infested City just to save her."

Y/N: "We did do that, didn't we?" (Laughs)

Lee: "But that's Not all I'm here for kid.. I'd like to get something off my chest Aswell.. I uhh.. I killed your dad.. that state senator in the news he was your dad, wasn't he?"

Y/N: "I knew.. I always knew.. I sorta hated you for it, but You were the only person in my entire life who's Put that much faith in me, more than my own parents. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be as strong as I am.."

Lee: "That was all you kid, all that Tough Guy Shit comes from right here." (he presses his finger against your chest)

Y/N: "Thanks Lee. I wish you were here, helping me.."

Lee: "What seems to be the matter?"

Y/ N: "It's about Duck.. he's in a group with a bunch of very bad people, I'm not sure whether to try and save him or kill him cause he's too far gone.. what do you think Lee?"

Lee: "I think when the moment Arrives you'll know what to do.. I know you will, you're a smart kid you'll figure it out." (Ruffles your hair)

Y/N: "I might be a father soon Yknow, other than for AJ.."

Lee Spits his coffee onto the RV floor..

Lee: "How long have I been dead?"

Y/N: "I don't know 7 to 8 years, why do you ask?"

Lee: "I mean Kids at this Age? You're only 16 years old.. and that would make the mother......"

He gives you an intimidating Glare.

Lee: "You just couldn't wait, could you?" (Sighs and shakes his head)

Y/N: "Yeah, I can be a dumbass sometimes.. but thanks Lee.. for being here, Kinda."

Lee: (Gets up) "I meant to ask, How's AJ?"

Y/N: "He's One smart Motherfucker Lee, You'd love him, He's growing up way too fast for his own Good, but I'm proud he's such a great kid."

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