3 - Democracy ≠ Peace

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Y/N's Pov

You, AJ, and Clem are in their room. You wake up and get out of bed. AJ is already awake; he brings a cup of coffee to you and Clem.

AJ: "Made you guys some coffee. It was in the kitchen. Tenn said that I could have some. I didn't steal it."

You take the coffee cup and have a sip.

Y/N: "I'm surprised you remember how to make it. We haven't had coffee in a long time."

AJ: "You put it in hot water."

Y/N: (Laughs) "Smartass."

AJ: "Last night, with Marlon? I heard Louis, and... what he called me. Am I a murderer?"

——————— Flashback

Louis: "No!"

Omar: "Oh, my God!"

Violet: "Shit!"

Ruby: "We could get medicine, from the nurse's office!"

Mitch: "He's dead! The kid blew his brains out!"

Louis: "You shot him. He's dead. You're a murderer. What the fuck did you teach this kid?!"


AJ: "Louis called me a murderer. But... but we're supposed to kill bad stuff. Monsters. Did I do it bad? I thought Marlon was bad. He killed Brody, he... he kept telling lies. He almost hurt you Y/N."

Clementine: "Louis was right. Sometimes people do bad things, like Marlon did. But when you shot him, he wasn't a threat to us anymore. If you kill someone when they're no longer threatening you, that's murder."

AJ: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "I'd rather not get into it. I think you were Justified but you still shouldn't have done that."

AJ: "What are we gonna do?"

———————- continued Flashback

Back at the courtyard, the group surrounds AJ. You step in front of AJ waving your Bat around.

Y/N: "You All better watch yourselves, I fucking mean it! First One to Touch him is Getting their brain bashed."

Louis: "It was under control! I talked Marlon down, then... he murdered my fucking friend!"

Y/N: "Talked him down? He just tried Killing me. With my own damn Weapon."

Violet: "Take AJ, go inside."

Clementine: "Come on, let's go."

Louis: "Oh, just let them go back to the dorms?! What happens the next time one of us does something this kid doesn't like? Should we expect a bullet, too?"

Y/N: "Damn Right."

Clementine: "Marlon started this! He killed Brody and almost got us, too! AJ did what he had to do!"

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