Chapter 15- forgive you?

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"That's no way to speak to your mother Ophelia " my mum said sternly. In the past this would of scared me but I was 20 now and a lot had changed. I had a daughter and I was in an amazing relationship with the father of my child. Nothing could be better. "Your no mother to me." I snap not wanting to deal with her today. "Well me and your father have decided to forgive you for your stupid mistake and ask you to introduce us properly to your boyfriend." She says slyly. I look at her in shock. I knew what they were doing. "First of Rhea, my daughter is no mistake, I love her and I couldn't imagine life without her. And secondly, you have known mason since I met Jaz and you never had any interest in wanting to know the mounts so why do you care now?" I ask trying to catch her out. "Ophelia we want you to forgive us? And mason seems like a lovely footballer." She says smiling. I scoff, "forgive you? Never. And that's what it's about right? Mason is famous so would make you and dad look great to your friends cos your 'daughter' is dating him" I was interrupted by arms going around my waist. "We don't want anything to do with you is what she's trying to say. So get the message, your not welcome here." Mason says firmly. She scoffs, "you will come running back to us again Ophelia just you wait until he gets bored of you and your slag behaviour." Then she turned round and walked to her car. Mason pulled me into the house again before shutting the door. "Im sorry she tried to ruin our day." He says kissing my forehead before pulling me into a hug. I lean my head on his chest inhaling the strong smell of his cologne I loved. "It's okay Mase, i knew it would happen one day." I say sadly. They were my parents after all. "You don't need them baby, we are your family. Me and Rhea." He says before we hear our little girl babbling. We smile at each other and join her in the living room where Mase must of placed her before coming to the door. I pick her up snuggling her before sitting on the sofa into Mases open arms. "Thank you for defending me Mase" I say whilst stroking Rheas hair. I feel him pulling me closer. "Nobody will ever upset my girls. I love you Lia don't forget that. Now should we have a lazy day?" He asks. I turn and smile at him, "I love you so much Mase. Forever. And that sounds amazing." So that's what we did. We sat and watched films all day before ordering a Chinese. It was a perfect day with my family. Once Mase had put Rhea to bed he came back downstairs before saying, "should I run us a bath so we can relax?" He asked. I feel butterfly's in my stomach and nod, "that would be perfect." I say. He nods before setting back up the stairs turning round halfway to make sure I was following him. We smile at each other and I sit on the bed whilst Mase goes and starts running the bath. I didn't think I could love him as much as I do. I lay on the bed thinking before I turn over to look at a photo Mase had on the side of his bedside table. It was the three of us at Christmas. I was cuddling Mason whilst holding Rhea and she was looking at him. It was a gorgeous picture. "I got that printed the over day." Masons voice breaks my trance with the photo. "I wanted to be able to see us all together every time I looked to my side." He said coming to sit next to me. I smile at him, "it's a beautiful pic" I say. He nods and shows me his Lock Screen. This time it was just me and Rhea and we wasn't looking at the camera. "And I picked this one cos I wanted to be able to show my family to anyone who asked straight away and when I miss you both at training or something I can easily see you." He blushes embarrassed. I move his head to look at me before kissing him. "I love it." I whisper before standing up and grabbing his hand. "Let's get in before it gets cold." I say dragging him to the en-suite. He smiles. We get in and get comfy and my back leant against his chest with his arms wrapped around me. "I love you lia. And I'm going to marry you one day." He says confidently. I turn my head to look at him. "Good cos I can't wait to be a mount." I reply with a cheeky smile before kissing him. Let's just say it was late night....

So so so Sorry for the lack of updates, I had no motivation but finally decided to write. I can't promise there will be loads of updates but any ideas would be great!! Hope you enjoy this crappy chapter.

Forever and always - mason mount Where stories live. Discover now