Chapter 2 - the consequence

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It was a month after the party and the last week I had the worst stomach bug. Every time I stood up I felt dizzy and everything I ate or drink I was sick. I hadn't left my room all week and had been ignoring every message I received. There was a knock at my door. "Yea" i whimpered. My mum walked into the room. "I think you should come sit downstairs with me for a bit might make you feel better if you don't stay up here all day." I disagreed and shock my head but my gave me no choice. She carefully helped my down the stairs but I felt really dizzy. "Mum I dont feel to good" I said before blackness.
Beep, beep, beep, beep. I woke up to the sound of a heart rate machine. I instantly panicked until Jaz who was sat next to me held my hand. "Your okay, you passed out and are now at the hospital. They had to run some tests tho lia." I looked at her confused. "Where's my mum?" Jaz sighed and looked away. "Whilst you were sleeping your results came back. Your pregnant Lia. That's why you have been ill. I hate to be the one telling you this but you know how strict your mum is. She left and told me tell you not to go home." My eyes widened and I felt like I was going to cry. "I can't take care of a baby Jazzy. What am I going to do? I'm homeless as well now?" I said to her feeling a panic attack coming. Debbie walked into the room and instantly managed to calm me down. "Jaz called me when she found out. You can live with us. Lewis moved out last week to go live with Mase whilst he's on loan at derby so you can have his room. We can help you princess I promise you are not on your own." I nodded and looked at my stomach I hadn't even realised had been trying to show me what was wrong. "I don't even look pregnant. How far along am I?" I asked intrigued and now excited for this journey. "A month darling." Debbie said. I thought back to what happened last month and it hit me. My birthday party. With Mason. The realisation must of hit Jaz as well as she grabbed my hand. "The party. The guy you say you can't remember." I nodded agreeing. "It's fine this baby will be so loved by me they won't need a father. Besides she will have you Jazzy." I said placing my hand on top of my stomach. Debbie smiled from beside me. "They will be part of the mount family whether they like it or not." Jaz said. If only she knew how correct she was.
2 hours later
When they finally let me go with a midwife appointment booked in we went straight to the mounts. My new official home. "Debbie are you sure you don't mind me staying here? I can find a flat or something?" I asked worried I was intruding. "Darling, you are my second daughter it's all okay. I promise I've spoken to the whole of the family and they all agree with me." I looked at her shocked. "Even mason?" I asked confused. She nodded. "Of course hunny, none of them know the reason I thought I would let you tell them but yea he thinks you family as well." I nodded. When we got in the house, with a little help walking from Tony, mason and Lewis were in the house. Lewis walking straight over to me and hugging me. "I'm so sorry they have done this Ophelia" I laughed, "it's okay. Hardly saw them anyway." I said trying to hide the pain. We went through to the living room where Mason was sat on the phone. I rolled my eyes already knowing who was on the other end. "I've got to go babe, yea I love you to." He said before ending the call. "You alright Ophelia." I looked at him confused. He never called me by my first name. "Yea great mason just been kicked out my house by my parents and now I have to replan my life because of a stupid mistake." I snapped back. I didn't really have a reason to be annoyed at him. Deep down I knew it was because I loved him and I knew that this baby was his and I could never tell him. Everyone soon joined us in the living room. "Jazzy can you tell them please?" I asked her not wanting to say it. She nodded at me whilst everyone one else apart from Debbie looked confused. "Um well as you know Lia has been really ill this week and fainted earlier." Jaz started. "Look I don't mean to be rude but can we hurry this up." Mason asked looking fed up. Debbie smacked her son round the back of the head and moaned at him. He shrugged before turning to face me and Jaz again. "Anyway as I was saying, they ran some tests and Lia is pregnant." She said. Once she said it out loud I felt the tears coming again. How had I been so stupid. I turned 18 a month ago and I was already pregnant. Luckily I managed to hold the tears back when Jaz held my hand. "Wow congrats" Lewis and Tony said. "Who's the dad?" Lewis asked. "Sorry if that's rude." "No no it's fine. Umm I'm not actually sure." I laughed nervously scared mason would sus me out. "Yea she slept with someone at her party and it's theirs we think." Mason suddenly became interested in the conversation. "Actually I think it was someone I slept with the week before. When we went clubbing remember I left early?" I said to her trying to cover it. She thought back and then nodded. "Oh yea. You never said that's why you left early." I shrugged, "a girl never shares her secrets." I laughed and soon everyone joined in I never slept with a guy that night, I was sick and left early to sleep but they couldn't know that. Soon I was being pulled into hugs by Lewis and Tony both whispering how great they think I will be as a mum. I smiled at them in appreciation. Everyone apart from mason. "I'm just going to get a drink." I said to the group hoping mason would follow. "Same I'll join you." He said shortly after. Once we got to the kitchen he whispered, "that baby isn't mine is it?" I shook my head. "Good" he said before getting a glass out for me. "You will be s good mum though lils I promise." I nodded, "hopefully" I mumbled kind of heart broken that he was so happy it wasn't his child. "What about uni? I know how hard you worked." He asked generally sounded concerned. "Wait a year and then go next year once they are born and then pick what I'm going to take." I said, I already had this conversation with Debbie scared my hard work would be wasted. "Can I just ask, sorry if this is insensitive but why didn't you considered getting rid of the baby?" "I did think about it but it was almost as soon as I knew they were they I felt connected to them and loved them. I want to show everyone I can be a great parent." I answered after thinking about it. Mason nodded, "Well you will always be part of the mount family. Both of you." He said before walking out the room. I took a deep breath. If only he knew how connected they really would be.

Forever and always - mason mount जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें