Chapter 13- the storm

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Today was the day. After 10 amazing, relaxing days away, we were home and Mase had called a family meeting. This was a tradition in the mount family that as soon as something important happened to one person they would call a family meeting and tell everyone. I had obviously been involved in lots of them due to being so close to Jaz however the last one I was involved with was me telling them I was pregnant. Somehow today I was more nervous. I loved mason everyone in the family knew it but I knew Jaz didn't want to accept it. Debbie would always tell me me and mason would end up together one day and Jaz always got upset after saying I was her friend and he shouldn't be allowed to take something away from her. We had stayed in a hotel in Portsmouth the night before, me feeling to guilty to share a room with Jaz. I was already sat on the bed whilst Mase sorted Rhea out. I smiled at him and our daughter. "Stop staring you creep." I hear him say without looking at me. I blushed and turned away laughing. "Are you sure you want to do this lils?" Mase said as he sat next to me after placing Rhea in her pram. I sighed but nodded, "we have to. It's the right thing to do. I love you and I want to be able to show people that." I said to him before i wrapped my arms around him. He kissed the crown of my head, "I love you to baby, always."
We got sorted in the car before making the 5 minute drive to masons family home. Jaz knew I was coming with Mase today, after we told her he was in Manchester the day before for a interview. It was a complete lie of course but we wanted to be able to explain everything without her jumping to conclusions. Mase pulled up over the driveway before grabbing my hand. "We have got this baby. Stop panicking. Jaz is dramatic but she will get over it, she loves you to much not to" he said to before taking his hand away from grip. I smiled at him and nodded believing everything he was saying. We got out the car and I picked Rhea up. "Mase she's sleeping so we need to do it quick before she calls you dada in front of everyone before we get the chance." I told him whilst rocking our daughter. He walked over to us and kissed her forehead before nodding.
We walked up to the front door where Mase let us in using his old key. I took a deep breath before walking inside and closing the door behind me. "Mase your home!" I hear Debbie call from inside the living. I see him put his finger to his lips shushing them before pointing to Rhea. They nodded understanding. "Mase can we put her in your room please I have the baby monitor with me?" I asked him. He nodded before we walked inside his room. We settle Rhea and set up the baby monitor before Mase pulled me into a kiss. I pulled away and smiled at him before walking out of his room. We walked I got the room and greeted everyone. We sat on the smaller sofa which was placed opposite of the others. "Mase please hurry your news so I can spend time with my best friend please." Jaz said as she rolled her eyes. Debbie scolded her before motioning for Mase to start. "Right so this is pretty big news that we have been hiding for awhile." He said nervously before rubbing the back of his neck. Everyone's eyes widened when he said we instead of I. Mason took a deep breath before continuing, "so um basically me and Lia have decided to be in a relationship." He said quietly. I looked at Jaz to see her smile turn into a frown, "so your shagging my bestmate to just bin her of later yea? How long have you two been at it then? A week?" Jaz said with Venom laced in her voice. I feel a tear rolled down my face before I grabbed mases hand, "actually Jazzy, we have been together for 5 months." I whispered to my bestmate. Her face paled with colour. "That's not the only thing either." Mase continued squeezing my hand for confidence, "Rhea. She's mine, it was me who lils got with at her party." He said carefully waiting for peoples reactions. It was a while before anyone moved or said anything but it was Lewis who was the first. He smiled at us before standing up and walking towards us. Mason stood up wiping his hands on his jeans visibly nervous, "congrats little bro. I'm sure your a great dad." Lewis said a he pulled Mase into a hug. I smiled at the interaction before his attention was on me. He motioned for me to hug him so I stood up and did. "I always said it would turn out this way lia. You were always part of the family but welcome officially." He whispered into my ear before going to sit down again. Tony was next pulling me and Mase into a hug at the same time, "you two are perfect for each other. Always were. It makes sense why Rhea looks so much like you Mase." He said making me laugh. "She's identical dint you think?" I said to him before he nodded. "Congrats son really. You make me proud of the man you have become." He said to him before going to sit down next to Lewis. I looked at Debbie expecting a disappointed face but instead to met with her signature smile. She stood up and rushed to me, "I knew it." She said to me before pulling me into a hug. "I'm so glad that little girl is my granddaughter. Welcome to the family officially princess." She said before kissing the top of my head. Debbie made her way over to Mase before the started a conversation. My eyes finally looked over to the person I was avoiding. Jaz. I walked over to her slowly before trying to pull her into a hug. "How?" She asked quietly tears rolling down her face. I looked at her confused. "How could you do this to me?" She said this time louder than the first. I stepped back scared of her outburst. "I love him Jaz. I always have you knew this." I told her. "This doesn't chan-" I started before she cut me off. "This changed everything. You were just another one of the slags that used me to get to my brother and I didn't see the whole time. YOUR A SNAKE!" She shouted at me jumping off the sofa. "Jazzy.. please it wasn't like that. It was a mistake at first but I love him and he loves me." I pleaded with her. She laughed, "you think he loves you? He doesn't love anyone but himself." She shouted at me. "Jaz that's not true I love her I always have." Mason said waking behind me trying to give me as much comfort as possible. "Why did you pick him?" She whispered. "I didn't, I picked the love of my life and my bestfriend. Jazzy I have our daughter to think about. I couldn't lie to her for her whole life just to protect you." I said to her trying to grab her hand. She snatched it away before I could grab it. "It's not going to work you know. You live in Manchester and he lives in London." She said looking into my eyes. I looked down, and she scoffed, "so you live with him now?" She asked rhetorically. "Jaz get over it." Mason said getting annoyed at her reaction. "Get over it?" She laughed. "I have to watch you break my friends heart because she's to naive to see it. Jesus Christ why can't nobody else see it?" She asked looking round for support. "Because it's not true." Debbie said calmly. "Darling I get your upset but we all knew it was bound to happen at some point. Yes they should of told us about Rhea sooner but we have to support them." She said. Jaz rolled her eyes, "you" she said pointing at me. "You are nothing to me. You picked him. You are money grabbing little whore." She said before walking out towards the front door. I chased after her. "Jazzy please. You know that isn't true. I don't care if he was rich or poor." I said to her trying to defend myself. She stopped at the front door before turning round to face me. "He will break your heart. Just like you have broken mine. I think you should change Rheas middle name. I can't support this. Don't come crying to me when it all goes wrong" She said before slipping out the front door. "NO JAZ PLEASE!!" I sobbed before collapsing on the grass outside watching her pull away in her car. "Hey it's okay it's okay." I heard mases voice behind me before pulling me into his lap. "I've lost her mase. I don't think she will ever forgive me." I whispered to him before more tears rolled down my face. He kissed the top of my head. "Give her time baby. You know what she's like." He said rocking me back and forth. "Please don't break my heart." I whispered. He shook his head, "never in a million years would I think to. I love you both so much. I always will. Forever and always." He said to me. I turned into him more snuggling into his neck, "I'm so glad your mine." I told him before I felt him pick me up. "Likewise baby." He said.
My mind was going crazy. I had just lost my first friend. Someone who I thought would be my maid of honour, who would always be there. I cried to hours. I felt like I had lost a part of me. "It's okay princess. She will be back she always is." Debbie said to me when she walked into the kitchen where I was staring at pictures of me and Jaz. "I don't think so this time debs." I said to her before turning round to face her. She grabbed my hand, "I know she's your bestfriend and she always will be. But you love Mase don't you?" She asked. I nodded quickly, "he's the love of my life Debs." I told her confidently. "She's my daughter but you need to be happy. She can't control who love no matter how much she wants too. She will come round eventually. She's has to, your family now." She said before she squeezed my hand and walked back into the living. I took a deep breath. She was right. Of course she was. No matter how much it hurt me and Mase had done the right thing. This was time to start living my life for me and not scared to upset Jaz.

A really long chapter for you guys as a little apogoly for being so quiet. I have struggled a little with writers block but I'm trying!! Please comment your opinion of the chapter and where you would like this book to go!! Thank you!!

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