At least as deep as the pacific ocean ch.71

307 13 1

Trigger warning mentions of unliving
Tk came home from work Otis practically tackling him at the door " hey buddy ." Tk said crouching down to the floor " did you miss me ." Tk said " he did he slept on your side of the bed for half of the day ." Carlos smiled from the kitchen "hi ." Tk said stroking Carlos' hair "hi ." Carlos said kissing Tk on the lips " how was your day ." Tk asked

" good I took Otis for a walk and went grocery shopping for dinner it should be done soon i think you have enough time to change " can you just put mine in a container so I can take it to work tomorrow please ?" Tk said " you all ready ate ?" Carlos asked " no I'm just not feeling great."Tk said " I think I'm gonna go lay down ." Tk said " I'll be up in a few ." Carlos said " no rush enjoy your dinner ." Tk said

Carlos came up seeing Tk in bed curled up against a pillow with Otis in Carlos's space " your cheating on me with the dog I'm so offended ." Carlos laughed getting in bed " he doesn't snore ." Tk laughed " I do not snore ." Carlos protested " I've taken so many videos of you snoring I should just make an album "that's not fair .. hey maybe I have a collapsed lung ." Carlos said " trust me if you had a collapsed lung I would know ." Tk said

Carlos brought his hand to the side of Tk's face "side effects hitting you .."Carlos said " yeah .." Tk mumbled as Carlos moved Tk's hair out from his face " puked 3 times today at work ." Tk said " Tk why are you even going Tommy understands she even told you that if it was up to her you would be at home resting like you should be ." Carlos said " because being a paramedic was all I ever wanted to be since I was little it makes me feel like I have a reason to be here It makes me happy so it's either don't do it at all or tough it out ." Tk said " it will be there when you get back Tk ." Carlos said " we don't even know if this is gonna work so if this is it I'd rather know that I made myself proud ." Tk said

" your gonna get through this you did it before .." Carlos said " I'm just so tired of the radiation the chemo the side effects .." Tk said " I know baby ." Carlos said kissing Tk's head

The next day they went over to Tk's parents so Tk could see Jonah " hi mom ." Tk said as she let them inside " Carlos Sweetheart how have you been it's seems like ages since I've seen you ." She said hugging Carlos " where's dad ?" Tk questioned " in the kitchen with your brother ."Gwen said

" hi dad ." Tk said " hey kiddo ." Owen said " hi Jonah ." Tk said waving his little finger at him " you wanna feed him ?" Owen asked " yeah ." Tk said taking the spoon seconds later Tk had baby food spit over his face The three of them couldn't help laugh at Tk's misfortune " seems like someone doesn't like peas ." Owen laughed as Tk washed off his face " thanks captain obvious ." Tk laughed "hey at least he didn't pee on you this time ." Gwen said " true ." Tk said

Tk went to the living room trying to play with Jonah on the floor "I'm worried about him ." Carlos said as Owen and Gwynn looked at Carlos " why ?" Owen asked " I think he might stop treatments soon ." Carlos said " stop treatments why ?" Gwen asked " he's tired he feels like shit half of the time and last night he was saying that if these are his last few months that he wants to spend them doing what he loves which is being a paramedic." Carlos said as he saw Tk playin* peek a boo with Jonah in the living room " but that means he could die .." Gwen said " I'm not really sure Tk would have done treatments if we weren't in a relationship ." Carlos said " you mean he has a death wish ?" Gwen asked "he has tried to kill himself more than once ." Carlos said right before Tk walked into the kitchen with Jonah " what ?" Tk said with a little laugh " me and Jonah think you all are weird ." Tk said as Jonah giggled " he looks like you ."Carlos said playing with Jonah nose " he's not wrong he might be your mini me ." Owen laughed

Later that night Carlos had a shift so tk was left alone he went to the beach it was empty because it was past sunset tk just sat looking at he ocean "what's wrong with me ." Tk muttered under his breath as he looked at the rocks and back at the ocean and right then Carlos responded to Tk's message that he sent an hour ago asking how it was going

Carlos- sorry babe pretty busy here now have a lot of paperwork to do

Carlos - miss you

Tk - all good miss you ❤️

Tk sent as he walked of the beach next thing tk knew he was at the station with a coffee and some soup for Carlos

" Reyes ." Lexi called from the front " you got a visitor ." She said as tk walked back to Carlos's desk

"Hey you didn't tell me you were coming ." Carlos said rubbing Tk's arm " sorry I just thought since you said you had a lot of paperwork I'd bring some coffee and some soup for you ." Tk said " hey I'm not mad thank you this means a lot." Carlos said kissing Tk's cheek " I should get home before Otis shits again ." Tk said " hey did you eat ?" Carlos questioned " hm?" Tk said " did you eat something ?" Carlos asked gently " yeah .." tk said that was a lie he knew in the back of his head " I love you okay " Carlos says reassuring tk "I love you to ," tk said kissing the top of Carlos's head

The next morning tk got up earlier for radiation only for tk find Carlos's side of the bed empty tk made the bed and got ready before heading downstairs only to see Carlos in the kitchen " morning ." Carlos smiled " morning ..when did you get in ?" Tk mumbled rubbing his eyes " at six ." Carlos said as tk gave him a kiss on the cheek " Carlos it's 8 why didn't you just come to bed ." Tk said " I wanted to let you sleep every time I come in from a shift you stir." Carlos said " I wouldn't have mind ." Tk said " plus I wanted to go with you to your appointment." Carlos said " Carlos your not going with me you just got off of an overnight go to bed ." Tk said " but -" Carlos went to protest " it would be a waste of time that you could be sleeping it's only 3 hours I'll be fine ." Tk said " promise you'll come back to bed when you get in ?" Carlos said "promise." Tk said kissing Carlos " I love you ."tk said kissing Carlos in the lips " love you to ." Carlos smiled

Tk got home around 11 with two coffee ,two bagels , and a pup cup for Otis tk came upstairs opening their bedroom door switching back into some sweats and a hoodie he lifted up his side of the bed crawling back in bed " How did it go ?" Carlos mumbled as his hand guided to Tk's so right under his sweatshirt "okay.." tk mumbled as Carlos pulled him closer " go back to sleep I'll be here when you wake up .." tk said as Carlos put his head on tk

My Last Breath || A Tarlos Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ