Be of service ch.64

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Carlos came into the bedroom seeing Tk laying down They both had long shifts so if the bedroom light was in and the door was cracked he knew Tk was awake

"Hey how was your shift ." Tk said sitting up in bed " good it was good .." Carlos said " did I do something?" Tk asked looking at Carlos as he got on some sweats " what? no you didn't do anything." Carlos said getting in bed" hi ." Carlos said kissing Tk's head "what's on your mind .." Tk said taking his hand and separating Carlos's curls which were gelled down for work

"Nothing." Carlos said resting his head against Tk " you don't have to tell me you can just tell me what you need me to do ." Tk said " can I talk to you about something." Carlos said "Yeah of course." Tk said massaging Carlos's shoulders " my adviser thinks I should take the detective exam .." Carlos said sitting up looking at Tk " that's great ." Tk said " but I don't know if I should .." Carlos said " why I thought eventually you would wanna go to detective." Tk said looking at Carlos confused " I mean I do but that was before you got cancer again and before my mom died and before we became us ." Carlos said " los .. I'm in remission okay that's not something to worry about ." Tk said " but it is look at what happen last time we thought you were good and then look what happened we were so happy then your got it again ." Carlos said " and now your having seizures I just - I don't know if it's best for us right now ." Carlos said " Carlos so what if I leave remission again that shouldn't stop you from doing what you wanted to do and the seizures are just from stress okay so it's not an all the time thing okay ." Tk said " it's uncertain hours so I don't know when I'll even see you and I won't see you on calls anymore .." Carlos said " we will find time to see one another okay but this is something you wanted and I want you to do it okay we can figure it out like we always do ." Tk said " are you sure your okay with it ?" Carlos asked " more than okay ."

A few days later
Tk came home from a shift finding Carlos passed out on the couch like he had been the past previous nights with his computer still on and his glasses on top of his face Tk walked over quietly taking off Carlos's glasses and putting his computer on the table he grabbed a blanket from the back do the couch draping in on top of Carlos placing a kiss on his head "mm hey .." Carlos mumbled " shh go back to sleep ." Tk said softly

A week later

Tk got back from taking Otis for a walk going into their bedroom seeing Carlos walking into the closet with a towel wrapped around his waist "oh good your up are you ready to head out soon ?" Tk said " what ?" Carlos asked pulling on his boxers " remember coffee and the farmers market ?" Tk said " right right shit sorry I switched my shift from later up to earlier so I would have extra time to study I figured you wouldn't mind ." Carlos said "we can do coffee anytime it doesn't really matter does it ?"Carlos said "no yeah your totally right I was just looking forward to spending time with you .." Tk said " I mean we go and get coffee and go to the farmers market a lot I'm sure you can survive ." Carlos said buttoning up his shirt

" shit babe I gotta go okay we'll go next week I promise." Carlos said kissing Tk's head before leaving the room " that's what you said the last time .." Tk said as he heard the front door close

Tk laid in bed a few nights later when Carlos got home from a shift Carlos came up the steps seeing the bedroom door cracked and the light on
"Hey didn't think you'd be in bed this early .." Carlos said putting in bag down by the closet "Long shift just kinda wanted to lay down .." Tk said wrapping a blanket around his shoulders Carlos climbed into bed next to Tk for the first time in a few weeks either their shifts never aligned or Carlos fell asleep on the couch while studying "hi.." Carlos said as Tk looked at him " I thought you had studying to do ." Tk said "I'm not taking the test anymore." Carlos said " what since when ." Tk said looking at Carlos confused
"Since you've made every attempt to spend time with me over the past few week and all I have done is turn you down .." Carlos said " that's not a reason to give up what you've been working so hard for ." Tk said " we're getting married in a few months I don't want you to marry someone who's never around ." Carlos said "and I don't want you to give up what your love ." Tk said " I love you more than I ever had being a detective." Carlos said " I never meant to do that to you ." Carlos said as Otis started nudging Tk's hand "Ty lay down ." Carlos said looking as Tk's eyes already rolled to the back of his head Tk repeatedly convulsed for 8 minutes head hitting the headboard each time Carlos could barley watch he wishes he could have laid Tk down sooner Tk's convulsions stopped Tk fell onto Carlos side of the bed "I'm so sorry ..." Carlos whispered

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