Bleh ch.53

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Tk sat in the chemo chair as the nurse hooked him up to some chemo his second round of the day

" one more round and then you can go home to that stud of yours ." Nurse Hannah said " Hannah." Tk laughed " I state nothing but facts ." She said

Tk received a text message from Carlos

Carlos - I wish I could be there with you .

Tk - don't worry about it I'll see you later k ?

Carlos- how are you feeling now ?

Tk - Bleh

Carlos - did you eat anything today ?"

Tk - no I'll eat something later

Carlos - just make sure you do I'll make your favorite soup tonight if I get off early enough

Tk - love you be safe okay

Carlos - feel better love you

Tk felt nauseous which wasn't anything new but it still didn't feel pleasant Tk was always light or petite as his dad would say he never exceeded 120 pounds but with all the chemo and his loss of appetite not to mention feeling sick all the time he was at 104 not to mention that chemo destroyed his tastebuds which made Tk upset cause Carlos always had him taste test and even though that didn't stop even though everything Carlos made was delicious Tk felt like he was lying since he couldn't really taste it and the soup Carlos had offered to make was the one things Tk could kinda taste

Tk got home and did some laundry and cleaning around the house he took Otis for a walk when he got home he saw a message on his phone

Carlos - hey they are keeping me late tonight loads of paperwork to do rain check on dinner ?

Tk - yeah be safe

When Carlos got home that night he put his boots in the mud room heading upstairs he peaked open the bedroom door seeing Tk curled up in the covers he stripped down to his underwear putting his clothes in the hamper putting on some sweats he got into bed running his fingers across Tk's face Tk turned over facing Carlos with a soft groan Fluttering open his eyes

"Hey you ... ." Carlos said " how was your shift .." Tk said " good ." Carlos said as tk ram his fingers through Carlos's hair separating his curl from the gel Carlos puts in his hair for work " that's better ." Tk said " your like my hair messy ." Carlos laughed "so much better ." Tk mumbled " how was chemo ." Carlos asked " same old same old ." Tk said Making himself comfortable on Carlos's chest "did you eat anything baby ." Carlos asked "mm no ." Tk said " cmon ." Carlos said grabbing Tk's hands " I'm tired ." Tk said " I know but you need to eat something." Carlos said

Tk sat down at the counter as Carlos looked through the fridge for something " you need to sleep ." Tk mumbled " and you need to eat ." Carlos said looking at Tk " it's only gonna come up ." Tk said " well let's hope not ." Carlos said

Carlos gave Tk's some crackers " try that okay even if it's just a few ." Carlos said "I'm not really hungry ." Tk said " please for me ?" Carlos said
"You know I know right ?" Carlos said " what ?" Tk asked " that you can't taste anything ." Carlos said as Tk gave a questioned look

" I have you something really spicy the other day and you didn't even make a face ." Carlos said " and you of all people can't handle spice ." Carlos said " I didn't want to make you feel bad ." Tk said " you work really hard on everything you make the last thing you need if for me to tell you I can't taste it ." Tk said " but you know that wouldn't be something I would take offense to that's not your fault ."

" what I'm most worried about is you eating ." Carlos said " I eat yogurt ." Tk said " it takes you 3 days to finish a small cup of yogurt Tk .."Carlos said " I'll try to eat more I promise ." Tk said " cmon let's go to bed ." Carlos gestured

The two went back to bed Tk resting his head on Carlos's chest "you free on Thursday?" Tk asked " yeah I think so why ?" Carlos asked " my mom wants to meet you ." Tk said " well officially ." Tk said " I'd love to come ." Carlos smiled

My Last Breath || A Tarlos Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang