Bail out ch.34

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-later that day-

Tk walked into the station he stopped at the front desk " name ?" The lady said " Tk strand ." Tk said lightly "I'm assuming your bailing out Owen Strand ?" She said " yeah .." Tk mumbled playing with his finger " okay you can head back ." The lady said as Tk was heading back Tk caught Carlos's eye " hey sorry I tried to bail him out they won't let me since I'm on duty ." Carlos said grabbing Tk's hand turning him around "it's fine ." Tk said " what's wrong ?" Carlos asked " nothing I really should go -" Tk said " why are you hands stained ?" Carlos asked looking at Tk's hand " we can talk about it later ." Tk said "Ty please ." Carlos said " I'll tell you at home ." Tk said kissing the side of Tk's cheek " did you hurt yourself ?" Carlos said causing Tk to turn around "not me this time ." Tk said before turning back around " he's right here ." Another officer said leading Tk around the corner to Owens cell " let's go jailbird your kids here to bail you out ." The officer said " thanks again Lexi I'll try to get him to behave better ." Tk said as Owen walked out

When they got to the car Owen got in the passenger seat "where's the lecture ." Owen asked in a joking matter " I don't have one ." Tk said putting on his seatbelt " you had to come bail me out at 10 at night and you don't have one ?" Owen asked " you never listen to me so why does it matter ." Tk said " why are your hands stained ?" Owen said grabbing Tk's hand " I don't want to talk about it ." Tk said " stop playing the I don't want to talk about it crap with me tk ." Owen said " are you hurting yourself ?" Owen asked " no dad ." Tk mumbled as Owen pulled up his sleeves " then why are they stained and I swear to god Tk you tell me you don't want to talk -" Owen said as Tk cut him off " Nancy's dead dad ." Tk said " she killed herself so I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't want to talk about stuff ." Tk mumbled stating the car " Tk .." Owen said " I'm taking you home ." Tk said starting the car

Later that night Carlos got home coming upstairs seeing Tk in bed " hey " Carlos said " how was your shift ." Tk mumbled "you wanna tell me what's going on why you've been so distant ? Carlos said sitting next to Tk on the bed "why your hands are stained red ?" Carlos said looking at Tk's hands " don't you wanna check my wrist first ." Tk said " Ty don't be like that you know it's cause I care ." Carlos said "yeah I guess that's where I messed up ." Tk mumbled " guess I didn't care enough to notice .. I didn't even ask ." Tk said " what do you mean sweetheart?" Carlos said "what happened?" Carlos asked " Nancy killed herself ." Tk said as Carlos's eyes went wide " and I couldn't - I couldn't save her ." Tk said looking out the window " hey no that's -" Carlos said stopping himself " come here ." Carlos said pulling Tk close to didn't move he just sat there like a coat on the rack lifeless

The next morning Carlos finally got Tk to sleep heading downstairs to get ready when he saw Owen at the door " hey Carlos is Tk here ?" Owen asked " I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here Owen at least not now ." Carlos said " look if he's still mad about me pulling up his sleeves just let me -" Owen said as Carlos cut him off " you pulled up his sleeves?" Carlos said "I'm his dad ." Owen said "look Owen with all do respect you are the farthest thing from his father you didn't care about him until he had cancer and now he's in remission and poof like that your gone the only time you come in to his life is when you need him to bail you out of jail for assault and to find out this isn't the first time I have no doubt you care but if you gave a damn second of your time to your son ask him how he's doing maybe he would open up more i finally got him to sleep he was up all night crying to the point where he was sick because he had to watch his best friend die right in front of him just like his mom And then not even an hour after he had to come bail you out ." Carlos said " whatever you need to do to fix what you broke do that but till then just leave him alone ." Carlos said

After Owen left Carlos went back upstairs seeing Tk sitting up in bed " your up " Carlos said climbing back into bed " sorry ." Tk said "no your good ." Carlos said rubbing Tk's back " I just keep seeing it over and over her just -" Tk said " you know this isn't your fault right ?" Carlos said as Tk shrugged " Tk look at me this isn't your fault ." Carlos said " isn't it I'm a paramedic I could've - I should've -" Tk mumbled " no there's nothing you could have done and you know that this isn't anyones fault not yours not Tommy's not Nancy's ." Carlos said " am I gonna ruin this -" Tk said looking at Carlos " us ?" Carlos asked " I ruin a lot of things look at how me and Nancy turned out -" Tk said " there's nothing you could've done ." Carlos said rubbing Tk's hand " point being what if I ruin us if I haven't already ." Tk said " you haven't ruined anything you hear me and you better believe me because your a paramedic you save people everyday just sometimes people don't wanna be saved ." Carlos said

" I'm here for you 24/7 but you need to let me in you need to let me help ." Carlos said looking into Tk's eyes "will you let me help ?" Carlos asked stroking the sides of Tk's face Tk nodded his head as Tk laid his head on Carlos's chest as Carlos pulled a blanket over them " I miss her ." Tk said " I know you do and that's okay ." Carlos said stroking Tk's shoulder "we've have a rough year ." Tk said " I'm starting to think the world hates us ." Carlos said " starting to ?" Tk said making Carlos laugh "is this okay ?" Tk asked " always ." Carlos said cuddling Tk " does it get better ." Tk asked " eventually." Carlos said

A/N sorry for the long break from updating I'm actually surprised I'm updating today since I just wrote this in the span of 10 minutes but regardless I had the most crappy day not that you care but I started school had a bad day pray for me Tomorrow goes better I had 3 mental breakdowns cause my mental health is trash and I broke my Apple Watch that I just got yesterday pray for me that tomorrow goes better again sorry for the crappy chapter xoxo

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