Future is uncertain ch.69

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"You've been rocking him for the last thirty minutes but I'm pretty sure he's been asleep since the first 5." Gwen said in the doorway " right sorry ." Tk said putting Jonah in his crib "you have a few ? I was thinking we could make cookies just like old times ." She said " yeah ." Tk said

"I missed this .." Gwen said as Tk looked at her " you and me it's been to long since we caught up like this ." Gwen said " how are you doing?" She asked as Tk stirred the dough " with what ?" Tk questioned "with the breakup .." she said " it wasn't really a breakup like that mom." Tk said as Owen walked through the door

"Owen our sons having relationship problems." Gwen said " I'm not ." Tk said "he says he's okay that him and Carlos broke up ." Gwen said " it wasn't a breakup like that we broke up but it wasn't anyone's fault it was just for his own good ." Tk said " why is that ?" Owen said " Carlos wants to travel and he wants kids but I can't do that with him just like he wanted to get married but now I can't do that ." Tk said "what about what you want ?" Owen said "it doesn't matter I just need him not to hold his life back because of me ." Tk said

"Did you decide what you wanted to do about treatments ?" Owen asked " they want me to do radiation it shouldn't have me feeling as bad as chemo did so I can still go to work ." Tk said " I don't think you should be focusing on work right now sweetheart." Gwen said " if this doesn't work I need to make sure my life had some type of purpose ." Tk said getting up heading to the guest room where he was staying

The next morning Tk went to the hospital by himself for the first time in a while usually he had Carlos with him he stood in the coffee line where Carlos first got him a coffee because he forgot cash . The same order but not with the same person

Tk laid in the machine for 2 hours not able to move just stare at the ceiling " you'll experience some side effect fatigue, weight loss,sore throat nausea ,headaches ,stomach aches ,tiredness ." The doctor said " okay ." Tk said " your free to get dressed ." The doctor said leaving the room

A few days later

Tk was deciding on whether it was appropriate for him to still speak at the event for the hospital he was no longer in remission and Carlos was one of the main people who convinced him to do it yet he still found himself on the stage

" Hi I'm Tk and I was in remission." Tk said " I was debating on whether it was still okay for me to come up here and talk about cancer after my recent diagnosis.. But I realised it doesn't matter ." tk said with a little chuckle " cancer sucks ." tk said with a laugh " the treatments make you feel horrible nausea, vomiting, hair loss, feeling like crap all the time it feels horrible but it's not that bad when you have someone by your side who puts up with you no matter how stubborn you are ." to said as the crowd gave a little laugh "I got re-diagnosed a a few days ago and to be honest with you I didn't want to do it again ." Tk said " but I have a little brother who I want to watch grow up and I want to keep doing what I love ." tk said "and there is no guarantee that its gonna work but it's worth a try ." tk said

Tk was on his way out " you did great ." Carlos said " you came ?" tk asked " of course I came." Carlos said "I'm just surprised I didn't think you would really care ." Tk said " we may not be dating anymore but your still my friend ." Carlos said " thank you for coming ." Tk said "did you wanna get coffee or food ?" Carlos said

"I can't tonight I have baby sitting duty but any other day will be okay ." Tk said with a smile " just text me your schedule ." Tk said " don't go getting into trouble ." Carlos joked as Tk walked away " you know me I will ." Tk laughed

Later that night Tk laid in bed with Jonah asleep on top of him Carlos texted him his schedule but Tk couldn't help scroll up at their earlier messages filled with love you's and checking on one another

He wanted to marry Carlos he wanted to go home and wait for Carlos at the door like he'd done so many times before or have Carlos ban him from using another kitchen appliance he missed Carlos

He wouldn't see Carlos everyday only on calls or if he came to hang out at the station what was good was that nothing was awkward they were friends there was no hard feeling except they both still loved one another

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