An offical gay CRISIS ch.2

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Tk was having one of his many gay crisis within his 26 years of life over an officer who bought him a coffee

"Nancy you don't get it he was for real the sweetest person ever -" Tk said as they say nervously in the waiting room " Tk said sipping his coffee " I think your a little head over heels Tk ." Nancy teased " hey he's the reason you have that coffee right now so you should like him to ." Tk said " not to mention he gave me his number to " hang out sometime." Tk said " that sounds like he wants to fuck you ." Nancy said as everyone in the waiting room drew their eyes to them "Nancy why don't you be a little louder -" Tk said pulling the drawstrings of his hood shut .

" what your gay aren't you like not supposed to care about people talking about your sex life out in the open ?" Nancy said " your confusing me up with straight college boys ." Tk scoffed " well either way why don't you text him maybe this is something that could turn into a thing ." Nancy said teasing "it can't turn into a thing of these results come back-." Tk said before Nancy cut him off " hey they won't ." Nancy said " let's think positive ." Nancy said " besides you need a little fucking your lonely as shit ." Nancy said " Nancy !" Tk said slipping down in his seat

Tk went in with Nancy to the doctors office when the doctor walked in with Tk's fine he sat down " it's bad isn't it -."Tk blurred out " mr strand I'm sorry to inform you have stage two Leukemia but you do have options ." The doctor said but from their it all went kinda fuzzy " we can start you on chemo therapy and radiation as soon as possible for a stronger approach You have a chance to beat this -."

Nancy drew her attention to Tk hugging him softly but Tk didn't inch to hug back he just sat there " I'm gonna die ." Tk said under his breath

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