A simple night off ch.37

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Tw mentions of rape , abuse , guns , violence please do not read to this could be triggering take care of yourselves <3

A simple night out to off Otis at Owens for a play date with buttercup Carlos and Tk had gone bowling as there first date in a few weeks due to the horrible schedules that they were gifted that month which concluded of many 24 hours shift so the other placing a kiss on the others head as they were resting up for the next 24hr as the one was leaving for theirs

"We gotta get you some aim classes babe ." Carlos said as they walked up the path to their house " for your information it was not a lack of aim my arms just a bit sore next time I will be beating your ass ." Tk laughed "whatever helps you sleep at night babe." Carlos said as Tk unlocked the door

" I think as the crowned winner of tonight's match I think I deserve a prize ." Carlos said turning Tk around kissing him on the lips " what did you have in mind officer what happened to that movie that we were gonna watch ?" Tk smiled " that can wait I don't think the living room will be appropriate for anything I have planned for you ." Carlos said as the two came in for another kiss

Clapping noise came from the steps " let's stop here I think you both will need your energy for what I have planned." A familiar voice said as Tk turned around seeing the guy who attacked him a little over 6 months ago holding a gun at the two of them " miss me ?" The guy smiled at tk " fucker ." Tk said looking the guy " here's how this is gonna go ." The gunman said " you two will do as exactly as I say when I say it you behave nobody gets hurt not seriously at least if you think about trying something I shoot the other one. We clear ?" TK sucked in a breath and tried to calm his racing heart as Carlos nodded at the man.

" now officer go sit on the couch ." The gunman said Carlos looked at Tk letting go of his hand heading to the couch " now honey ." The gunman said shiver ran through Tk's spine as Carlos has been the only one to call him that " on your knees ." And just by that Carlos feared where this would go . Tk complied getting on his knees as the gunman grabbed his hands placing them in handcuffs " bet your used to seeing him in this position?" The gunman said looking at Carlos "Whatever this is, you don't have to do this. We can work it out," Carlos pleaded." At the sight of the gun to the tip of Tk's head

"Do you love him ?" The gunman said " I do ." Carlos said " I've been studying you for a few weeks now ... I know your mother died and I know lover boy here's partner killed Herself that you two spend more time together than apart ." The gunman said

"Please whatever grudge you have against me is with me not with him don't drag him into this again what happened is not his fault ." Carlos said standing up " I said sit down !" The gunman said kicking Tk's chest with his boot TK cried out He could feel tears pushing against his closed eyelids and he could hear Carlos calling his name.

The gunman grabbed Tk's arm pulling him in a standing position " bedroom now ." The gunman said as Carlos followed them up the steps "Where are your phones?" Ray asked, looking at the couple.

"Mine's Downstairs living room ." TK said through gritted teeth.

"Mine's on the nightstand over there," Carlos

The gunman grabbed his phone off the nightstand "cute background." The gunman said gesturing to the picture of Tk sleeping " password ." He said looking at Carlos " 4795"
"His birthday I assume." The gunman said looking at Carlos " yes ." Carlos said looking at the ground " remind me pretty boy how old are you ." The gunman said as he sent out a message on Carlos's phone " 26 ." Tk said as he tried to fiddle with the cuffs but no luck since they were Carlos's actual handcuffs and not the ones they used for play " your birthdays soon so why don't we give the birthday boy some fun huh ?" The gunman said dragging Tk over to the bed " lay down with hands above your head "Tk -" Carlos said tears falling from his eyes " it'll be fine ." Tk said doing what the gunman said as the gunman handcuffed Tk to the bed frame "you over here you deserve a good seat to watch this ." The guy said handcuffing Carlos to the industrial piping that they had once fallen in love with when they moved in which made Carlos regret it even more

"Wait here ." The guy said heading out of there bedroom " Ty -" Carlos said in tears " whatever happens I love you okay and this is not your fault you hear me ?" Tk said " but" Carlos said " tell me you believe me okay this is not your fault ." Tk said tears In his eyes " I believe you ." Carlos said right before the gunman walked in with Tk's medical bag grabbing a Syringe filling it up with anesthesia stabbing it into Tk's leg making Tk wince at the pain then suddenly became still and limp as his eyes became drowsy and then closed " don't you fucking touch him ." Carlos said as the guy took off Tk's pants then underwear" or what you'll kill me ?" The guy said

When Tk woke up he was on the floor his head on Carlos's shoulder " hmm." Tk said lifting his head up looking around the room " hey.." Carlos said " what happened why is everything -hm." Tk mumbled "why so sad ?" Tk said looking over Tk Carlos " you were raped .." Carlos said with tears

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