34. Jason Got Unconscious, This Time Not with a Brick

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{-} Jason {-}

  "Finally you're awake," Magnus said. His face was directly in his, so the only vision Jason had was of the son of Frey.

  Jason did not like waking up to see a fifteen-year-old version Chris Cobain in his face. In fact, he yelped and kicked him in the chest, sending a startled Magnus sprawling to the floor.

  Alex laughed, coming next to Magnus' body. "I told you, Maggie, when people wake up to immediately seeing your face, they'll be getting nightmares."

  "Sorry," Jason apologised, getting up from his spot from against the wall of the circular room, and pulling out his hand so that Magnus could take it. Luckily, Magnus didn't seem to be mad at Jason, for he took his and was now standing on his two legs again.

  Jason looked around. He remembered getting stunned by one of those cloaked bad guys, but he didn't know that many of his friends did too, nonetheless they were all un-stunned now. The only ones missing were Nico, Annabeth, Hazel, Leo, Frank and Percy. A lump caught in his throat. "Where-"

  "They're okay," Will assured him. He frowned. "Well, I think they are. Harry and the Death Eaters went to another room, so Percy, Annabeth, Neville and Nico followed them. Hopefully nothing has happened to them."

  Will looked exhausted, dark circles rimmed his eyes and his tanned skin looked paler than usual. But there was no time to ask if he was okay.

  "What about Leo, Frank and Hazel?" Jason asked, noticing that they weren't included in Will's list.

  "We don't know yet, but they must be okay," Piper told him, linking her hand to his. But she still looked worried, which was not a good sign.

  "We'll find them," Ginny promised. It was then when Jason noticed that she, Hermione, Luna and Ron were there. He had a faint memory of Ron getting tangled by something, and Hermione and Luna being unconscious, but after that he did not know about what was happening at his surroundings.

  Jason straightened. "Well, we shouldn't waste anymore time, we have to-"

  The others froze, suddenly becoming serious and aware of what was happening around them. It was as if Medusa had just entered the room and turned everybody to stone.

  Piper raised a finger to her lips, a sign for them to stay quiet. She turned and went to the door nearest to them, barely making a sound with her shoes. The others followed, till everyone was lined on the wall nearest to the door inside the room; it was the same one where all those Death Eaters attacked them, the room where he was stunned.

  Jason knew what was happening now, what caused the sudden change in everyone's mood. There was the sound of two pairs of footsteps and voices. It couldn't be their friends cause the sounds were coming from outside the Department of Mysteries. So who were they?

  The door creaked open, and closed. Sweat licked the back of Jason's neck. One of the voices sounded familiar, however Jason couldn't put a finger on it at first- but then he realised who it was: Hecate.

  What was she doing here?

  "How many times do I have to tell you, Tom? You cannot face the demigods themselves, it's safer to wait till the Potter boy got your prophecy. Then you're free to do whatever you want with them," Hecate said, arguing with the other person. By her tone Jason guessed that she had repeated those same words countless times.

  "Then why can't you help me kill Potter? You're a goddess after all, I would get rid of him quicker, " the man's raspy voice countered. When Jason heard Hecate calling the person Tom, he realised who it was. He was Voldemort, the guy who sent those Death Eaters after them.

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