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On the bright side, the Vytal Festival brought in a lot of festivities.

3 weeks before the tournament, already there food stalls, prize booths, costume stores popped up all around Vale. People celebrated hard for this festival, going all out and then some. The Arcs couldn't take a step in the Kingdom without someone screaming BARGAIN, or the smell of food blasting their faces. Now that they think about it, should they go back to Beacon and eat there, to save their money?

Then they smelled an overwhelming aroma, mouth watering at the smell. They followed the smell to a noodle stand. Hmm? That would do! Noodles sound good right now. They grabbed the nearest seat and waited to be served between either of the two people in charge. They do look familiar, the energetic, short orange hair girl, unable to stay still, the long black hair cook with precise movements. When she turned around, her eyes grew in size. 

Nora: Jaune? Jaune! Is that you?!

Jaune: *eyes grew in surprise* Nora?

Nora: It is you! *rush over and tackle-hugged Jaune in a mighty grip* Renny! Look, it's Jaune-Jaune!

Ren: *smile* Hello Jaune, it's good to see you again. How's Beacon?

Emily: *get Nora off Jaune* How about you stop holding Jaune in a tight grip, then he will tell you.

When Ren and Nora turned, they jaw dropped and eyes bulged when they saw Jaune counsins.

Jaune: Guys, meet my cousins and teammates.

Ren: S-so the stories are true then?

Joan: What's stories?

Nora: A-about Jaune being not the only Beacon first year student, that you girls also joined him as first years as well.

Jenny: Yes that is all true.

Jaune: They are also my lovers.

Ren: *shock* F-for real?!

Uriel: *nod* For real, and he is a good lover too.

Nora: Dang Jaune-Jaune! I didn't know you had it in you!

Jaune: A lot of stuff can happen Nora.

Nera: May i ask, why are you two working at a noodle stall.

Nora: *zoomed over to stand next to Ren* After we failed initiation, we needed to find a job until we could try again next semester. This cranky old man hired us when Ren showed him how to make noodles, we've been working here ever since.

Eva: Why didn't you just go back home?

Nora: *shrug* We don't have a home. Ren and I? Yup! You called it! No family! Orphans for almost eleven years now.

That wiped the smile off their faces. That just harsh. No family? Jaune sometimes hated how his family acted, but he wouldn't trade his 7 sisters and overbearing parents for anything in all of Remnant. Knowing that, coupled with their failure to enroll, forced an ashy taste into Jaune mouth.

Jaune: Sorry.

Nora: *waved her hand dismissively* Don't be, it happened a long time ago. We're over it. *click a pencil* Now, can i take your order?

Now that she mentioned it, the Arcs finally took in their appearance. Nora and Ren are wearing noodles uniforms, Nora holding a notepad and a pencil in her hand. While Ren fingers worked effortlessly, not a move was wasted, not a noodle too long or short, his ramen hat sat perfectly on his head. Somehow, this clustered pair worked well together, blending noodles.

Jaune: Uh, 14 bowls of noodles?

Nora: *ignoring Jaune wrong request* Ren! The special! Make it extra, extra good.

They laughed, since arguing it would be pointless. Guess they were having the special? When the bowls reached them, filled with an assortment of chickens and meats, with noodles long and tangy, broth soaked in a delicious aroma, serving size large, they licked their lips and dug right in. It was perfect, they even asked for seconds and thirds. When finished, they pushed the bowl away, brushing their stuffed belly.

After waiting for an hour for their stomach to digest, they went off to have fun in the festival with Nora and Ren. It was never a dull moment with those two, they relished each memory in the Kingdom of lights.

Nora gave Jaune a sloth plushie almost her size, telling him it's all his. She said if Jaune don't want it, he can hold onto it, give it back to her when she and Ren get into Beacon. 

What a fun way to spend the weekend, the Arcs made sure to grab their Scroll numbers before went back to their room. But first, they repaid their kindness tenfold by finding that cranky old man, offering them their surplus of lien as a tip.

Sir Scrabbles the plushie idea.

Jaune Arc the only first year student of BeaconWhere stories live. Discover now