Talk about oscillations

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El Diablo.

Jaune trusty guitar, one of the few items he brought from home, other than Crocea Mors.

He played some songs for his cousins to hear. Sometime, he just tuning and praticing at night. He gladded to have the girls to chat with, one can't train and study forever. That lifestyle demanded trouble and an early grave. So he played on the bed, legs crossed with a towel draped around his neck and naked chest, the girls are chatting with each others, or is taking a bath. It may sounded odd but like the cliché saying went, people sung better in the bathroom, and inspiration came naturally. 

Droplets of water spiller from the end of his wet hair. He strummed against the cord, shaking one foot from nervous, a habit he picked up from his sisters. The sound of him playing his guitar echoing in the room, soothing their troubled souls, his notes bounce off the walls, his hearbeat seemed to respond to each cord.

A melody fitting for a group of loners.

Once Jaune done playing, he set the guitar down and placed it beside the bed, he layed his head on the pillow and stared up the ceiling.


Jaune: Huh?

Jaune reached out for his Scroll, flipping the device open to see a video call from Ruby. Why would she want a video call this late into the night? Pressing accept, she appeared on the other end of his device, wearing a black nighty with a hear and sweats combo. A Grimm mask adorned her head, a shower curtain in the background. A toothbrush dangling between her toothpaste covered lips. She blushed with her eyes as wide as a saucer, seeing his beautifully sculpted body by the gods, with pecs that can destroy one of the said gods with ease.

Jaune: *chuckle* If you ask, i just got out of the shower, getting ready to go to bed.

Ruby: *shaking off her stupor* S-same here! J-just got to brush my teeth. Dad's a real stickler for good oral hygiene.

Jaune: And here i thought it because you were afraid of the dentist.

Ruby: You can't prove that. I'll deny it. *noticed the picture of the dogs playing poker* Hold up! I've always wanted to see what the rooms at Beacon are like, show me!

Jaune: *fruitless sigh* Fine, it's not special. We got four walls, windows, beds. My team room is just a bit more different than others.

Ruby: Just show me! *after seeing his team room* Wow! Your room is big!

Jaune: Yeah, the Headmaster said that he had a feeling he's going to get more first year students, so he got us this big room.

Ruby: *noticed Jaune guitar* Oh, oh! Do you play a guitar?

Jaune: *rolled his eyes* Yes i do.

Ruby: Play me a song!

Jaune: *frown* Now? I just finished practicing. How about tomorrow?

Ruby: *grin* Deal! Oops. Hold your horses.

A drop of toothpaste spilled from her mouth and landed on her chest. She placed her Scroll on the sink, reached down to use the bottom of her shirt to wipe it clean, exposing her bare stomach, with the back of her shirt riding up. Like a tornado of mischief, Yang chose that moment to walk into the bathroom, she had the same reaction as her sister when she saw Jaune body. Before either sisters can speak, Joan voice was heard from Jaune Scroll.

Joan: Jaune, who's that you're talking too?

The Rose/Xiao Long twins turned as red as a tomato, their jaw dropped and eyes bulged when they saw Joan. Joan body is covered with only a towel, her head size breats are squeezed together, the curves of her hourglass figure is shown by the towel, she snuggled into Jaune bare chest lovingly.

Ruby: J-jaune, who is that?

Jaune: Joan, she one of my cousins.

Ruby: R-really?! Are you sure you didn't bring her to life from a drawing?

Joan: Nope, i'm 100% real. What's wrong with your sister?

Ruby turned to see her sister still have the same reaction from earlier, with smoke coming out of her ears.

Ruby: WOAH! I gotta go now Jaune! Goodnight! Don't let the bed Grimm bite! *turn of her scroll*

For a long beat, they just stared helplessly at their Scroll. Then, without uttering a word, they decided to go to sleep, getting ready for the Dust exam tomorrow.

Jaune Arc the only first year student of BeaconWhere stories live. Discover now