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No matter how much they looked at it, tilled their head, squinted their eyes, or blinked, there was no denying that statue was of their great great great grandfather.

Yup! Without a doubt, that's their ancestor right there. Same hair, same sword, same sense of fashion like Julius Arc. Unquestionably an Arc.

Jaune let out a laugh, not in a fun way, it was the nervous, awkward grin when someone forgot a person's name type of way. All of his ancestors before him created a name for themselves, by acting as heroes or amazing warriors during time of crisis, his father included. So seeing a statue of his distant ancestor in the middle of Beacon's courtyard, made him forget how to breathe. Not to say he wasn't proud, because he was, very much so to be part of the Arc family. Except, well... living up to such a high legacy, it weighed down on his shoulders like cement in water. Pride can made people do foolish things to fulfill their roles. For example, sneaking into Beacon Academy with fake transcripts.

Yeah, pride, the sin that made fools die early and heroes quicker.

Jaune sighed, lowering his head down, Myra and Joanna placed their hand on Jaune shoulders, Emily hugged behind Jaune, feeling her breast being pushed up against his back, comforting him. On the plus side, at least classes were simpler since he got good education from his grandpa, the girls also received the same knowledge and experience that he possessed as well. The little victories mattered the most. Still... with Ruby at Signal... he received plenty of messages asking - demanding actually - he spilled what he and his cousins learned so she could use the knowledge, for when she retook the test. A double edged sword. Ruby's thirst for knowledge forced the Outcast Legion to listen to Professor Port's rambling, keeping up with Doctor Oobleck's lectures. Thank Oum their proficiency in Dust is much better than Ruby, in case she might have asked for a heads up on that subject. Greetings, here's Fire Dust.

Regardless of future second degree burns, having someone to talked with, can eased the tension, made studying and training much smoother. Heh! Just yesterday, his team defeated level 20 bots with ease. They helped trained a third year student, she managed to reached level 17 on the training bot, just for it to knocked her out comically, in two seconds flat. Bruised pride anyone? Oh well, Jaune reached for his Scroll to check the time, noting that he and the girls had a few hours before the library closed, maybe another hour before Ruby stopped sending him funny cat videos, or the latest update  on Weapons Magazine. When would she learn that he had no desire to upgrade Crocea Mors? Hello! Classic!

Letting out a sigh, he looked at his ancestor's statue one more time, then he and the girls go to the archives, feeling better about the whole ordeal of a family image and burdened expectations. A buzzing on his scroll alerted him a new message. A smile grew. Time to see what new photo Rubes sent him this time.

The Arcs paused, studying  the photo, a picture of Ruby snuggling up to a corgi, with a bold caption written in doggy treats?

Outcast Legion: Zwei?

Jaune Arc the only first year student of BeaconWhere stories live. Discover now