First day of school

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The first day of classess went as well as anybody expected, well, as expected with 14 Arcs attending Beacon Academy.

A mixture of students fluttered into their rooms, with the Outcast Legion being the only first years, in a class of second and third years. Grimm studies was riverting like watching dry paint, except, well, some people do enjoyed watching dry paint. Dust class led to many accidental burns and explosions, that was more of a commonplace, it still didn't make the lessons any simpler to handle. From the way the Arc girls are handling Dust, they also have the same training like Jaune, the new Dusts they are learning are more volatile than the one they used to. History bored them, at least they understand something for once. It already overshadowed their two previous two classes, when it come to combat class, boy did that go nut for everyone, especially for the Headmaster and his wife.

When the time come for the combat class, the Arcs showed to have extraordinary teamwork and fighting abilities, even Ozpin and his wife Salem, were shocked when Jaune just knocked them down with a lazy thunderclap, without harming them. When the upper year students asked who trained Jaune, he told them that his grandpa, Julius Arc trained him when he was 9, they all fell in silence. Myra asked why did they fell silent, Salem explained that their grandparents are legends, juggernauts with absolute strength, they were the one that helped faunus gained equality, cleansed the corruption that once run in the kingdoms, united Remnant as one, founded the Republic of Remnant. Before they passed away in old age.

The Arcs were stunned to heard that their grandparents are such legendary people, they told everyone that they have ever only see their grandparents as their grandparents, someone that they loved and cared, nothing more, nothing less. Everyone from Beacon smiled when they felt the warmth and love that the Arcs possessed for their family.

After combat class, the Arcs were escorted to the training arena, Salem said that this will be the Arcs combat class from here on out. She told that while they can beat anyone easily, they still need to learn to fight Grimm as well, as a team and individuals. Her four daughters will teach them how to do it. The grades will depend on how many bots they managed to defeat, how good they are at fighting these bots alone or together. Needless to say, the bots from level 1 to 12 didn't survive against the Arcs, not even as a small horde that can trampled a team of veteran Huntsmen. They all decided to train the Arcs from level 13 to the max level, level 20.

The Arcs went to the Mess Hall for dinner, once their scroll beeped for dinner time. They picked a table to sit down and eat, they remembered what Jaune mother once said.

Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet

Jaune Arc the only first year student of BeaconNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ