Looking through the kaleidoscope

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Groaning, the Arcs woke up irritated. Wondering who called this early on Sunday? When the beep finally ceased, they drifted off back into dreamland, for 5 seconds.


Jaune angrily snatched his Scroll off his desk, letting out an annoyed "What" as he answered the caller. 

???: *blink her eyes in shock* Ok... are you sure you're not miss Goodwitch son? You do look like her up close.

Jaune: *blink as he recognized who voice is that call him* Snow Angel?

Weiss: Don't call me that! It's Weiss Schnee.

After checking that the face on the Scroll is indeed Weiss Schnee, he glanced out of the window.

Jaune: Not to say this isn't a pleasant surprise, but why are you calling me? How did you even get my Scroll number? I don't remember handing it out to you.

Weiss: I have many connections Jaune, agents that will remain-!

Adora: Was it Ruby? I thought you hated her?

Weiss paused when she heard Adora voice, she jaw dropped in shock when she saw her came into view. Because of Adora look, Weiss thought that she is a Schnee offshoot, or a Schnee relative that married into the Arc family. 

Adora: *talk with annoyance in her voice* Well?

Weiss: M-my apologies, y-yes it was Ruby that i got this number from. N-no i don't hate her, i just found her annoying, that's all. There should be a package arriving at your door any moment, with a significant pamphlet.

Right on cue, a precise knock rhythmed on his door. When Jaune went to answer it, there was only a bare hallway to welcome him. Only a single pamphlet greeted him, taped onto the door. Cautiously, he removed the booklet from the door, tilting his head as he read the title out loud.

Jaune: Dust for Dummies?

Weiss: Read it.

Adora: You know we have a Dust class.

Weiss: *shaking her head* Insufficient. That pamphlet will teach you more about Dust protocols. The instructor you have has been known to throw caution out the window. I should know, i looked her up.

Adora: Why are you doing this then? I know you didn't think of Jaune as your friend. You made that clear from the start.

Weiss: Ruby mentioned that you all have to handle a more volatile Dust than the one you're used to. If something were to happend to any of you, especially Jaune. Then i wouldn't hear the end of it, this is purely for my benefit.

Jaune: Alright then. *read the pamphlet, then said in a joking tone* Aw! It says you shouldn't consume Dust. Whelp, there goes my fire breathing idea.

Weiss was silent for a moment, then she replied back with a bitter tone huffed.

Weiss: How did you ended up passing and i failing is a greater mystery than why Dust doesn't work past the stratosphere.

Jaune: Maybe you should've tried harder.

Weiss: Watch it Arc, i know where you live.

Adora: *roll her eyes* Yeah, at Beacon Academy.

A second package arrived later in the day, with a pair of fluffy drapes, 42 belt holsters to carry Dust. How she knew their size, they will never know.

Jaune Arc the only first year student of BeaconWhere stories live. Discover now