Sass, Sarcasm, Magic and Pure Dumb Luck

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Short one shot.

I'm going to start writing some one shots in the knights perspective... so to start of we have Leon

"Everyone has walked in or woken up to Merlin doing something completely out of the ordinary once or twice

Gwen once walked in on him stealing one of Morgana's dresses. Another Gwen caught him holding jewelry. All apart from the dress was returned of course

Gwaine once walked in on him stealing wine. Then simply walked out with a smile

Percival walked in on him while he was trying to pull out something covered by a white sheet (a dead assassin)

Elyan once woke up to him to see him trying to catch something that looked invisible. Their eyes met and Merlin told him he was dreaming. Elyan just nodded agreed and went back to sleep

The king once walked in on him, found him in a place he was not supposed to be but just walked out saying 'Nope. I'm not dealing with this today'

Already used to his sons manservant and his odd ways

One wierd occasion was when he decided to partner up with Morgana. They are truly partners in crime. They had hidden what I belived was a baby dragon in her chambers and they took turns feeding it

How those two managed to hide that thing under Uther's and Arthur's nose I have no idea

And the excuses he comes up with are sometimes so ridiculous. Heck he sometimes tells the truth and I know it's the truth but Arthur just dismisses it and tells him to tell the truth...

Like what the hell!?

How oblivious can you get!?

I would often see Merlin coming up with the most ridiculous lies that Arther would believe

How does he survive all this. Does he even know how lucky he is" I asked Lance

"Oh Merlin is very much self aware. He says it's all thanks to 'Sass, sarcasm, abit of magic and just pure dumb luck'"

My head falls into my hands with a groan.


Here comes the headache

Then I watch Lancelot spit his drink he was drinking across the table

"How do you know!?" He screamed

"I have a brain my friend. I have a brain" I simply tell him and chug the rest of my mead

Merlin one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now