The dragon and the Prince

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So, some people are obsessed with Merlin having wings. I'm obsessed with Merlin being able to turn into a dragon...

Another Dragon Merlin

When Arthur was young he had a friend. His friend wasn't quite the normal type.

Far, very far from it actually

His friend was a dragon

A small thing. It was, the size of a dog with raven black scales and deep blue eyes.

When Arthur met this small dragon, he was merely ten.

He had ventured into the forest one day. Completely unattended. He knew his father would be furious but he needed an escape. Just a few moments of time alone

Away from the lessons and strict rules

He had gone a bit to far and thats when he heard it

At first he thought it was a bear cub. Afraid the mother was near, Arthur nearly ran back. But the unknown creature sounded slightly different

And it sounded like it was in pain. He contemplated whether to follow the sound or not.

His curiosity won over his rationality. Can you blame him. Kids are curious

Walking as quietly as he could he ventured towards the creature. What he found greatly shocked him

At first Arthur thought it was a dog, but it had scaly wings attached and yes it was covered in scales

It was crying.

Arthur looked a bit closer and saw that it's rear leg was caught in a trap. It was then Arthur made a misstep and the cracking of a branch was heard

The creature looked up and spotted Arthur. The young prince was afraid for his life when he looked into those blue reptilian eyes

He simply froze. Believing this was the end

But no

The dragons pupils narrowed in what looked like fear.

It turned around to run but the trap pulled on its now wounded leg. It cried in pain and fell

Arthur flinched. Both from the cry and wound

Arthur realized the creature was a dragon. A tiny one compared to the ones he learned about.

It kept trying to get away, making its wound worse. And it kept crying out. Arthur looked horrified. Why was this dragon so scared of him. He couldn't watch any longer...

"Stop!" The young prince Shouted "you making it worse!"

The boy pointed to the dragon's leg. As though the creature understood, the dragon stopped trying to get away. And instead it curled in on itself. It's body wrecking with sobs. As though it was accepting its demise.

This terrified Arthur. His father and everyone else thought him that creatures of magic were evil.

How was this evil. This creature was most likely just a baby and it was now simply accepting death out of pure fear... it was ridiculous and heartbreaking

And as a child Arthur understood this

Arthur suddenly finding his courage moved to do the only thing his heart was telling him do.

He was going to free the dragon

He got to work. Working his way through the trap that tightened itself around the dragon's foot. It was so tight that it cut into skin

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