The Tavern

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Note... so I saw a tiktok video and was listening to Httyd soundtrack (for the dancing and dreaming song) and I came up with this story.

I just had a smile on my face the whole time writing... typing... coming up with this. Hope you all like it

And it's Morgwaine

And just for this stories sake. Lancelot is still alive. So Gwaine does not hate Morgana

Also it's a soulmate-ish story


So yes....

Merlin and Arthur were on yet another adventure together.

What of adventure you may ask? Well it's the typical 'Bring Gwaine back from the Tavern' adventure.

And why them

Well Lancelot and Gwen were busy preparing for their wedding. Elyan was obviously helping.

So he left Leon in charge. And Percival Leon's second in command

Gwaine had been going on and on about this Tavern that he found. It was in a small village. Just outside of camelots borders. But the village wasn't really part of any other kingdom

It was more of a neutral zone for all kingdoms. So many bandits and others types of people could be found there.

And Gwaine decided to use his day off to go there. And he has not returned in a couple of days.

"That drunk" Arthur grunted as he clicked his tongue and his horse moved faster as they sighted the village

"Well this is Gwaine" Merlin said with matter of factly tone. He had a grin on his face.

He loved it when his best friend drove his Pirnce mad.

"And his an idiot. Why did I make him a knight again?" Arthur asked faking confusion

"That's because his strength to your Courage" Merlin says proudly

"Right" Arthur said and rolled his eyes

The village appeared to be as big as Earldor. But it had a lot of visitors. Children played happily together as adults watched and laughed. It was happy and filled with life

Merlin couldn't help but smile. And unknowing to him, Arthur smiled as his eyes gazed upon the younger man

"Knowing Gwaine, he'll be in the tavern" said Arthur

"Obviously. Where as else would we find him"

"The same as you I guess" Arthur replied. He slapped Merlin on the back before the man could explain himself with a victory smirk

The checked into an inn and then went to find the knight

And that's when they found the Tavern. It was located in the heart of the village. And just as Gwaine had said, there were many people. So many that they had put up tables outside and served drinks and food and provided entertainment

The sounds of laughter and Music filled the air, as people drank and danced with each other not caring who they were and just being together in blissful peace

"The Little Sprite's Willow" said Merlin

The name of the tavern. Merlin thought that the name suited the place so well.

"Come on!" Arthur pulled the younger man

They walked in and just like the outside, it was just as lively on the inside

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