The King's and Knight's Nightmare

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Lance is alive

Good Morgana

Good Modred

Dead Uther


Everyone has their fears. Some are very rational, some a irrational

This is about irrational fears

And there Arthur was with his knights. Counting down the time he had left

"I am royally screwed" he tells the knights

It only took those few words to shake camelots strongest knights. They shook with fright. And many paled

"With all due respect sire" says Eyan "What the Fuck did you do now!?"

Elyan was first to voice as he dropped the Armor he was holding

The knights and the king shared one irrational fear. Well it could very well be rational but still that certain fear gave them nightmares

"It was an accident really.... okay maybe not, but what was I supposed to do. Magic is legal and that also meant that great big dragon was also legal so what was I supposed to do say no?"

Rewind a bit 

Magic is legal now. The ban was lifted and when a certain someone revealed himself to the whole of Camelot, everyone was overjoyed and magic came flowing back into the kingdom like a damn had been broken

That certain someone had also gotten engaged to the king and was away to visit their mother. So that someone was not present to witness all the chaos and mayhem currently occurring

"You saw the dragon, on your own when you know who went to visit his mother" asked Leon

"And let me guess you did something that the dragon told you do without telling you know who. And this thing you did or allowed has a potential of putting your life at risk"

"Um yes" Arthur says weakly

Leon groaned into his hands

"Yup... I'm out" Lancelot says, and heads straight to the door

"Hold it there, oh noble one" Gwaine says blocking his path

"In the princess defence I was also in on it"

"Just tell us what you did" Lancelot said with a sigh

"Um well, I may or may not have allowed not only the great dragon back into Camelot with all sorts and types of magical creatures and said dragon may or may not want to knight us all and crown you know who as the king of the magical realm"

"And we did this all to suprise him" Gwaine added

"You know that is a terrible and great idea at same time" says Modred "but I value my dignity and no I can not protect you because I am not strong enough to stop him"

"That also explains all the magical creatures and Mayhem going on. But honestly sire!? Did you not think this through!?" Leon Scolded

"No they didn't. Between those two there is no such thing as a voice of reason" Percival says as he motioned to Arthur and Gwaine

Then Elyan thought of something very important

"Why are you telling us this"

"Well" Arthur stood up and patted the man's shoulders "because you are the men I trust with my life"

"And also now that you know, we can all suffer his wrath"

Just as the king said those words an outraged voice shook the castle

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