The council of Merthur shippers

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This is a good Uther, and good Morgana. Lancelot is alive and together with Gwen


Who was the biggest Merthur shipper

Gwaine would say it was him, out loud and proud. Then Morgana would come and kick him to the side and proclaim that she was the one

Gwen and Lancelot, though together in their own romance shipped Merthur very hard. Often times plotting together to get their two friends together

Percival liked the ship very much. Often times telling the others of what he would witness so they all could gush over it in private

Elyan and Leon would often times be watching the aforementioned ship pin for each other. Watching the two with intensity as though they were a heart stopping drama. More often then not getting vocal when the good parts are disturbed

And so they called a council meeting

The council of Merthur shippers

"I can't take it anymore. I will die happy once my ship has sailed. If die to early and not see it, I will never rest in peace" Leon says slamming his hand down on the table. He had a frenzy look in his eyes

Okay... the title of biggest Merthur shipper can go to Leon...

Morgana and Gwaine thought. If the man was that serious than okay

"There has to be a way to just..." Elyan made squishing gestures. He two had a frenzied look

"When was the last time you both had a rest" asked Lancelot

"Don't know. We've been up all night wondering how long it will take for those two knuckle heads to get together" says Elyan

"We have become to invested in this drama. Only way to cure this is to get them together... so I can die happy" Leon says

Lancelot didn't want to question why Leon felt like dieing... but okay. Leon was just being a mood. Some of us can relate.

"And that is the reason why we have gathered here today" says Morgana "we must find a way to end this endless pinning so we can rest easy and watch our beautiful ship sail"

"The question is how. We have almost tried everything, but the princess is a freaking dunderhead and or some thing always happens" Gwaine huffed

"Have you tried getting both of them drunk" asked Gwen. Drunk people always reveal their secrets... most of the time

"For Arthur yes. He confessed in a very much unprincely manner of his towards Merlin to us. It would have been funny if he wasn't bawling his eyes out" said Lancelot

"We can never get Merlin to come with us. Only if we offer to gamble or something but then his always never to be seen when we head to the tavern" says Gwaine

"Even though Gauis always insist he goes there" Leon added

Morgana knowing the reason for such needed to quickly steer the discussion away from the direction that it was heading

"How about locking them up in a room together" she says quickly

"We have tried that. Merlin always gets it open somehow... Gwaine did you teach him how to lock pick" Elyan asked

"What he asked for it?"

Lancelot and Morgana simply sipped at their cups of water knowing very well that Merlin didn't need to know how to lock pick when he can just use magic discreetly

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