A reveal but not Quite

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Short AU

Lance is alive. Because I can and want to

Merlin has magic

And one be one people found out.

Lance was obviously the first to find out. Well Gauis was the first but this is about Merlin and his friends

But this is how the others found out


How Leon found out. Well Leon had witnessed Arthur give the poor boy countless amounts of chores. It had always been a mystery on how Merlin managed to complete all of it until one day he found out

He was was just returning a sword he was using for some extra training and he saw him

Arthur's sword was sharpening itself while Merlin was cleaning Arthur's Armour. Leon panicked but froze in his spot

Merlin was to focused on shinning the breastplate that he hardly took note of Leon. His head bobbing to tune in his head

Should he tell the king. Leon thought. But this was Merlin. And Merlin wasn't doing anything evil. His doing chores.

Oh... Leon thought

So that's how he does it

Leon decided to watch Merlin for a while and not long after his discovery, he decided that Merlin was still Merlin. Magic or not. He was his friend and he had nothing worry about....

Yeah right.... he had a lot of worry. Merlin was a small scrawny thing that passes out when he uses to much magic.

And so Leon is always hovering around the boy like a hawk.


She always had a feeling that Merlin was more then he seemed

And then one day she knew her thoughts were true when she caught him making a dying flower bloom. It was just him and no one else but her 

Merlin didn't see her but she saw him

And as a smile graced his lips as he saw the flower bloom, one also grew upon her face. So she turned around, pretending to not have seen


Gwaine had the chance to see Merlin's magic are number of times but never sober.

One day he dragged Merlin drinking. And when Merlin was wasted and could hardly drink anymore, Gwaine watched him magic the ale away

Gwaine looked at him and then at the ale. He decided he was drunk. But called for another shot anyway


How Elyan found out

It was a rather funny

Gwen tried to gaslight him until he figured it out. Elyan saw Merlin heat up Arthur's food. He told everyone but they all dismissed him

Gwen then simply told him with a knowing wink and then finally he got it.


The gentle giant saw Merlin using magic to calm the horses once. Merlin was always good with animals and truly hated hunting

The man always thought the boy was special. And when he saw Merlin doing such his suspicions were correct

But he had no doubts about Merlin's good heart. He simply ruffled his hair affectionately and carried on

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