Dear Dollop Head

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So this was inspired by pintrest. I saw these and I just had male a fic. So enjoy

It's a modern reincarnated AU


Ever since Arthur could remember, he has always received letters

He didn't know who was the sender. Where they came from and how he even got them. They just randomly appeared. At the most random times, in the most random places

It started when his was fifteen

He had found the letter on his desk at home. The writing was neat. Somewhat cursive and it said

Dear Dollop head

It has been over a thousand years
I have long forgotten many faces but I will forever remember yours
How the sun reflects of your hair, casting your your grace in a golden aura
I miss your smile and our banter

I miss you


It was short and sweet... much to his disgust

His first thought that it was a prank from his sister. When his sister Morgana tell him it was not her, he figured it was one of his friends

But they all told him that it wasn't any of them. They then decided to make fun of and the letter

Arthur's secret admirer.

Sure being the son of a CEO of a rather large company he had alot of admirers, but these letters felt different somehow

After the first letter, another came a month letter. Once again it began with a

Dear Dollophead

Arthur was undoubtedly infuriated. No one  could call him that. What even was this word. Did it even have a legitimate meaning

And once again the letter was from M.E.A. Arthur simply huffed and read the letter

Life has been quite a journey
I have traveled the world and seen many sights
But I always return. In hopes to find you
I will forever wait your return
My once and future king

Your servant, your friend


The letter was ever so confusing. This letter he had found in his locker at school. One horrid thought than suddenly popped into his mind

He had a stalker

Ever since that second letter Arthur had always been on high alert. Afraid that whoever sending him these letters would do him harm

But then one night. Just a few weeks later, he woke up to a bright light

Cracking an eye open, he found a letter

He sat up abruptly. His heart beating erratically. The letter was glowing in a golden light. It almost looked transparent and then when the glow faded out the letter placed itself on his bedside drawer

Arthur tentatively took it and read it

Once again it says

Dear Dollop Head

Arthur huffed and furrowed his brows. He was getting really angry at whoever was sending him these letters. But something in him always compelled him to read it.

Its me again
I don't know why I keep writing these
It's not like you can read them
I burn these with my magic as soon as I write them.
Hoping, wishing maybe it would somehow reach you
The days are really hard with out you. Sometimes I don't know if can carry on. But i promised you I'll never change. So I'll be here

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