The Dragon, the Knights and a Plot twist

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These are my own short tales that I come up with in my head. Just a bunch of AUs. Long live the BBC Merlin Fandom!!!


Once again the knights had been captured by Morgana's men. But that wasn't what bothered them.

What bothered them greatly was that their friend was missing. The Oh so lovable, Courages, and mischievous manservant was missing

First let's back track a bit to how and why the prince and his most trusted knights have been captured

Firstly the main reason they were all out together was because Merlin had gone missing. It's been a couple of days since then.

Obviously Arthur rode of without telling anyone. After only a day of his manservant being missing and Gwaine followed and so did Percival. Lancelot Obviously worried told Leon and Elyan, then said three followed along.

They found pieces of Merlin's clothes. A discarded basket that had herbs inside. And as they were coming up to the most horrible conclusions.

They were ambushed. Surrounded and outnumbered, Arthur knew they wouldn't come out unscathed or worse and so he ordered his man to surrender.

His knights reluctantly did so. They to knew they wouldn't stand a chance. If it was any other day, they would go down fighting. But Merlin wasn't with them. They needed to be alive to find Merlin.

They were thrown unceremoniously into a dark cavern that seemed to have something inside that they didn't want to find out about just yet

"It must have been a trap" said Lancelot "they probably captured Merlin to lure you out"

Arthur grunted in agreement. He wasn't going to deny it. Even though he wanted to. But it was to late. Like seriously what kind of prince would come out looking for a lowly servant. Well Arthur Pendragon obviously

"But then where is Merlin" asked Elyan

A deep rumble echoed through the cavern as though whatever else was down there in there with them had woken up

The knights immediately got in front of their Prince but Arthur- grateful and proud he was of knights- was not having it. These were his men, brothers in arms and he would not stand behind and be protected. He pushed and through and stood beside them

They stood without their weapons but if it meant going down with their fists then so be it

Out from the shadows of the cavern came the creature the rumble originated from. It's body was larger than a bear. Lean as a cat and covered in midnight scales. Black wing protruded from its back and tucked to its side

It's head had horns and a pair blue reptilian eyes that had flakes of gold. It was dragon. A freaking dragon

Arthur and Leon were reminded of the horrors they had faced when the great dragon had attacked Camelot

And now here now stood another. Smaller but a dragon was a dragon. The jangling of chains then resonated in the cavern drawing the knights attention. And there they found a chain around the dragons neck 

That was probably the only thing keeping them safe right now. Or so they hoped. The dragon still hadn't noticed them. It yawned, showing off its teeth then rubbed it eyes. Like a cat. Minding it's own business

But then someone had to step on something.

Gwaine. Lovable idiotic mead loving Gwaine stepped on something he hoped was not human bones.

The crackling sound bounced of the walls, gaining the dragons attention. The knights stood ready but then a shocked and shrill sound escaped the dragon. It hopped away, again in shock at the sight of them

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