Suddenly the redhead girl, in the beginning, jogged toward us looking concerned mixed with amusement.

Yeah yeah that quarrel was entertaining for everyone

"Not now Penelope" Vito tries to dismiss her

So her name is Penelope

She ignored him staring at me "Are you okay? That was so unexpected"

Very unexpected

Vito hands over ice wrapped in a towel and I thanked him placing it over my lip I winced "Yes, It's not my first fistfight" A chuckle escapes me

Her expression shows sympathy "Valentina showed no mercy, I didn't know she was back in town"

I rolled my eyes "Can we please change the subject" Penelope nods and soon Vito poured us all some tequila shots and we all picked up a glass.

I needed a shot from what just happened.

Vito made the toast

"To new beginnings... And one helluva show indeed"

I playfully rolled my eyes again and we had our shots and many more.

End of pov / Donovan Salieri:

I slammed the door closed suppressing my impulse not to thrash on Valentina. It happened so quickly and I'm surprised she's home early however I don't even care at this point.

My glare implants onto her "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I sneered. She yanks her arm from my grip watching her breathe heavily.

She's pissed

"Me!? Are you seriously asking me that! You never answered my calls or texts then I come home to see our house sold and to find you kissing a damn whore! I thought you loved me!" Valentina repeatedly hits my chest in agony and I had no expression whatsoever as I blankly stare at her.

I pushed her away "For fucksakes, Valentina come the hell off it, This marriage of ours was always bullshit and you know it-"

She erratically shakes her head "No! No! I love you, Donovan Salieri, We'll fix this and I forgive you" Valentina's delusional as she tries to hold me but I wasn't having none of it.

"There's nothing to fix Valentina... you were nothing to me and this marriage is over" I pushed her aside and she jumped in front of me. Her glare stared into mine.

"You can't leave me! I won't allow it"

This made me laugh out loud "Allow? No no Valentina you don't get that privilege - Nobody does expect me and right now we're done"

Soon a text came in and I checked to see it from Vito.

"Listen Donovan Salieri if you ever think to leave me, I'll make your life a living hell especially kill that fucking whore of yours, she'll be dead by tomorrow" She angerily pushed my chest. I was unfazed by her assault and I looked at her in anger stomping towards her and snatching Valentina by the throat

She gasps

"Listen you little ungrateful bitch, Dont you dare threaten me because we both know I can play two times worse baby, and trust me... I would love to have your blood on my hands" I stared seriously into her eyes and I saw the fear, she knows I never bluff.

I pushed her to the floor as she yelped. I adjust my coat

"I'll have my lawyer call yours tomorrow and don't think about disappointing me, Valentina" I glared about to leave the backroom-

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