Chapter 21 : SakuHina Wedding

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2 weeks later

"Sasuke! Thank god you were able to make it." Naruto exclaimed as he adjusted his tie. "Missing Sakura's and Hinata's wedding feels wrong. Also, the weather forecast isn't good. We are going to have rain, followed by a hurricane." Sasuke said. 

"What?" Ino joined in their conversation. "Ino, shouldn't you be helping Hinata with the dress?" Naruto asked. "Chill, I came here for the juice." Ino rolled her eyes as she walked to the food counter. 

"Look, there's Sakura." Sai said. Naruto was about to make a joke about Ino and Sai are like 2 peas in a pod when Sasuke shoved his hand on his stomach to make him shut up. Naruto coughed as he held his stomach. 

Sakura wore a white suit and pants. Hinata wanted to walk down the aisle with her father but her dad refused, saying that Hinata should either be married in the traditional way (which Sakura and Hinata didn't prefer for reasons) or should never get married at all. However, after a good amount of convincing and arguing, Hiashi Hyuga finally agreed to walk down the aisle with his daughter. 

Sakura was nervous. You could see it in her face. She was biting her lips as she adjusted her gloves from time to time. The priest looked ahead as the choir played a nice melody. It was time. 

First walked in Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno, parents of Sakura Haruno. They smiled graciously as they walked down the aisle and took their respective seats. Ino and Sai walked next, holding hands with each other. They were followed by Tenten, Temari and Shikamaru, and Kiba and his girlfriend. The men walked to the side as the women went and stood on the stage in their respective places.

Hinata walked into the open cathedral wearing a lavender gown that revealed her shoulders. She had let her hair loose on her shoulders and she wore pearl earrings that matched with the floral headband on her head. Surprisingly, the floral headband seemed to be matching with the bouquet she was holding (Like in the picture above).

Sakura grinned as Hinata walked slowly with her father by her side. Hanabi, her sister, happened to be the flower girl. She wore a cute frock that matched Hinata's gown. Hiashi wore a black suit and tie. 

Sakura stretched out her hand as Hinata held onto it. She helped Hinata get on the stage as the choir now played a faster memory. Ino and Tenten stood by Hinata's side while Temari and Kiba's girlfriend stood on Sakura's side, wearing matching dresses. They, of course, were the bridesmaids. 

The priest cleared her throat. "We gather today on this day to witness and celebrate the marriage of Sakura Haruno and Hinata Hyuga. This day is made possible not only because of your love for each other but through the grace and support of your family and friends."

"Sakura and Hinata, from this moment forward, you shall never be alone. You will carry the love of another person giving you the completeness and renewed likeness." 

The ring bearer, who happened to be Naruto, walked over to the stage as he held out the cushion with the 2 rings on it. Sakura took the ring from the cushion as Hinata stretched her hand out slightly. 

"I give you this ring as a symbol of love and faith." Sakura said as she inserted the ring into Hinata's finger.

Hinata took the other ring on the cushion as Sakura stretched her hand out. "I give you this ring as a symbol of love and faith." Hinata said as she finished with a deep breath by inserting the ring into Sakura's finger. 

"Sakura and Hinata. Today signifies the beginning of your new life together. May you be fulfilled with each other's love and friendship and may you be overjoyed by the promises you're about to make. Sakura, repeat after me." 

A/N - Ok so over here, the sentences in italic belong to Sakura and Hinata while the sentences in the normal font belongs to the priest.

"I, Sakura Haruno,"
"I, Sakura Haruno,"

"Take you, Hinata Hyuga to be my wife,"
"Take you, Hinata Hyuga to be my wife,"

"I promise to be true to you in both good and bad times."
"I promise to be true to you in both good and bad times."

"In sickness and in health,"
"In sickness and in health,"

"I will love you and honour you,"
"I will love you and honour you,"

"All the days of my life."
"All the days of my life."

"Now, Hinata. Please repeat the words after me." 

"I, Hinata Hyuga,"
"I, Hinata Hyuga,"

"Take you, Sakura Haruno to be my wife,"
"Take you, Sakura Haruno to be my wife,"

"I promise to be true to you in both good and bad times."
"I promise to be true to you in both good and bad times."

"In sickness and in health,"
"In sickness and in health,"

"I will love you and honour you,"
"I will love you and honour you,"

"All the days of my life."
"All the days of my life."

"You are now joined through heart and soul by the authority vested in me, by the constitution and the laws of the state. It is my honour to now pronounce you married. Seal your promises with a kiss."

Sakura pulled their interlinked hands closer as she kissed Hinata. Everyone in the hall cheered. As Hinata and Sakura pulled back, thunder was heard. "Oh no." Hinata bit her lip. "What's wrong?" Sakura questioned. 

"I know it doesn't look like it but...It's gonna- OOH!" Hinata shuddered as a drop of water fell on her head. "Rain?" Sakura looked up. 2 droplets fell on her eyes. "I told you..." Ino shrugged her shoulders. 

"What's going on?" Sakura asked as the sky turned dark. "Ino told me that Sasuke told her that it would rain. There would even be a hurricane!" Hinata exclaimed. "We can't let the wedding stop! The newly wed couple can leave now." the priest said. 

Sakura immediately scooped Hinata in her hands. Everyone cheered yet once again. "Go get her!" Naruto exclaimed. Sakura chuckled as she ran down the aisle with her bride in her arms, laughing. 

"We're here." Sakura huffed as she put Hinata down. They were slightly drenched. They saw the others trying to catch up with them as they walked up the hill on which the hall was. They had booked it for the food and dancing. 

"Phew-" Sakura sighed as Hinata pulled her in for a kiss. It was small and sweet, no tongue. Hinata smiled as she pulled back and cupped Sakura's face in her arms. "I'm so happy." Hinata chuckled. Sakura grinned back as she placed her palm on Hinata's hand. 

"Me too, babe." 

AUTHOR'S NOTE - Can anyone guess the reference? Anyways, the wedding was inspired by this video - I'm sorry if any of the details are wrong because I don't know much about Christian weddings. See you in the next chapter. 


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