Chapter 8 : In the pub

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2 days later, in Konoha

"You 2 are dating now?! That's amazing!" Sakura cheered as the new couple who were holding hands blushed. "Congrats, Naruto kun and Sasuke kun!" Hinata clapped her hands. "Arigato, Sakura chan and Hinata." Naruto smiled as he looked at Sasuke. He squeezed Sasuke's arm as Sasuke's face turned redder than ever. 

"We should celebrate. A pub is going to open up in Konoha and it's the first one ever in the history of Konoha. The sand siblings will be coming to inaugurate the event so we can ask them to join us as well." Choji said. 

"Right, Temari and Gaara will be there." Ino smirked as Shikamaru clicked his tongue and Lee blushed. "I found this super cool chick when I went on this mission. I will probably ask her to join us too." Kiba grinned. 

"I won't be able to come. You guys enjoy." Shino said as he left. "Well, what's there in a pub?" Sasuke asked. The girls laughed as the boys snickered. "Darling, it's like the best place to hangout. It's like a bar but with loud peppy music playing and disco lights." Naruto explained. 

"I'm a teetotaler, Naruto." Sasuke frowned. "I thought you were more of a coffee person." Naruto squinted his eyes. Sasuke facepalmed himself as Lee laughed at the top of his voice. "Aho (stupid), a teetotaler is someone who doesn't drink." Sakura groaned as she smacked Naruto's head. Naruto yelped in pain.

"That's so sad! Wine is the best thing ever." Naruto pouted. "We all know that you are a heavy drinker, Naruto. Don't drink as much as you did the last time you drank." Shikamaru sighed. "What did Naruto do?" Sasuke asked in a stern voice. Naruto mouthed a 'no, don't tell him' as Shikamaru smiled evilly.

"Naruto began to cry as he wailed 'I got 99 problems and Sasuke is all of them'." Shikamaru chuckled as Sasuke gave Naruto a death glare. "How could you, Shikamaru!" Naruto exclaimed, feeling betrayed. Shikamaru shrugged his shoulders as he walked home, content that Naruto was going to probably get a bashing from Sasuke. 

"Well, we'll meet each other around 7pm. Assemble in front of the pub. Don't bring money because everything will be free on the first day." Sakura informed. Everyone nodded their heads and went back home.

At 7pm, in front of the pub

"I can't believe that we are the first ones here!" Naruto grinned as he looked at Sasuke. "Sakura said that she will be coming a little late with Hinata. Here's Shikamaru and Ino." Sasuke said as he slightly pointed at the mentioned people approaching them. Ino had a thick layer of lipstick on her lips and Shikamaru was emanating a strong scent of cologne. Sasuke sneezed and wiped his nose.

"I'm allergic to strong scents, sorry." Sasuke apologized. Shikamaru scratched his head, feeling bad now that Sasuke was continually sneezing. Naruto handed him a handkerchief and Sasuke blew his nose into it. He felt much better as the cologne diffused into the atmosphere and became mild.

"More people are beginning to crowd over here." Sai pointed out as he walked towards them. Ino blushed as she placed her elbow on his shoulder. Sai's face was emotionless as usual. People began to chatter as they waited for the inauguration. Lee, Hinata, Sakura, Kiba and Tenten turned up.

Not long after, a man in his early 40's walked humbly as Gaara, the Kazekage (leader of sand village) walked with him side by side. They were followed by his older siblings, Temari and Kankuro. Temari blew a flying kiss at Shikamaru who turned red as a tomato. Gaara glanced at Lee whose jaw was dropped as he admired how beautiful Gaara looked. The 2 men lived in 2 different villages far away from each other so they barely got to be together. Lee was determined to make the most of his time with Gaara.

The 40 yr old man, who happened to be the owner, handed over the scissor to Gaara who cut the red ribbon at the entrance to the pub. The crowd roared and clapped as Gaara gave back the scissor. The people rushed into the pub and lots of gasps and exclamations were heard. The gang walked into the club and stared at everything in astonishment.

The walls were painted a royal lavender and were attached with leather cushions in some places. Necklace of beads flung from the ceiling as it glimmered under the disco ball. The disco wall was a huge, silver ball which illuminated the pub. The bartenders wore formal suits as they stood at their counters. A variety of alcohol was present, including vodka, tequila, champagne, brandy, whiskey etc. A huge DJ'S mixer was placed on a large table which was connected to big bass speakers. Sasuke was overwhelmed. Never in his entire life has he ever been to be a pub or a club for that matter.

"I have always wanted to go to a pub before I turned 18. Now here I am." Naruto smiled. Sasuke smiled back as he slipped his hand into Naruto's palm. Naruto blushed and looked around. He dragged Sasuke to one of the counters and sat themselves down on the chair. Naruto ordered for Sake and the bartender placed a mug of Sake.

"This place is amazing, isn't it?" Naruto beamed as he gulped down the Sake. Sasuke was worried, thinking about what Shikamaru said regarding Naruto's tolerance to alcohol. Sasuke sighed as he ordered for grape juice. The bartender handed him the glass of grape juice and he slurped on it. Little did he know that Naruto was going to get drunk in a matter of time.

About an hour later

"AnD ThEn, I RaSenGAned HiS AsS" Naruto mumbled as he placed his 10th mug of Sake down, unable to consume more alcohol. The music was blaring across the room. Sasuke saw Hinata and Sakura dancing across the pub as he sipped on his grape juice. It was unbelievably tasty here so he had ordered for extra. 

"ArE YoU LisTenInG tO Me?" Naruto asked as his cheeks flushed pink from the alcohol. Sasuke nodded nervously as he took another sip of his juice. Naruto smirked as he admired Sasuke's lips which had turned into a rosy pink color because of the grape juice.

"Hgn." Naruto moaned as he caressed Sasuke's cheek with his finger. Sasuke blushed as he looked around, hoping that no one was watching. "Sasuke...I really love you with all my heart. I can't bear it when you're not there with me. It's like there is this void in my heart that needs to be filled. And it can only be filled with you. Your touch, your kiss and your presence is all I need." Naruto sighed as he rubbed Sasuke's pink lips with his finger. Sasuke felt butterflies in his stomach and his cheeks turned warm. He was aware of the blonde's feelings for him but saying something like that out of nowhere flustered Sasuke.

"Naruto-" Sasuke was cut off when Naruto pulled in Sasuke for a kiss. They closed their eyes in content as Naruto seemed to be sucking in the essence of the grape juice lingering on Sasuke's plump lips. He brushed the bangs of the raven slightly with one of his arms as he pulled him in for a deeper kiss (like in the picture above). Sasuke pulled away from the kiss as they panted heavily. Naruto looked into Sasuke's eyes with lust as he trialed his hands to the button of his cloak. Their faces felt hotter by the moment.

"With your permission, Sasuke." Naruto smirked as he clicked off the button of the cloak, making it drape on Sasuke's shoulders. Sasuke's eyes widened, trying to process what Naruto was trying to imply. Naruto was inviting him to have sex with him. Sasuke brushed his bangs behind his ears as he nodded his head slightly in agreement, his whole body turning red with embarrassment and lust. 

Naruto's eyes seemed to form hearts. "Let's go somewhere...private."

AUTHOR'S NOTE - The next chapter is going to have 18+ content and smut so might as well skip that chapter if you would like. I will be marking the starting of the smut so no need to worry about losing your innocence. See you in the next chapter.


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