Chapter 14 : A gift for the couple

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Few days later

"Gaara! Thank you for coming on such a short notice." Sakura smiled as she bowed down to thank Gaara. "No worries. I brought Kankuro and Temari with me as well. So what's the issue?" Gaara asked.

"Well you see, Naruto is getting married to Sasuke in a few days and I really want to surprise them with a gift. Sure, we will be giving individual gifts but I have hired Konohamaru to take a video of us congratulating the couple and some nice words about them. We will play this video after the wedding. We figured that it would be better if you came and recorded your speech along with us." Sakura explained.

"Sounds good to me." Gaara raised his thumb. Hinata walked into the restaurant they were sitting in followed by Ino, Sai, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, Lee, Choji and Tenten. Hinata sat down next to Sakura as Lee sat parallel to Gaara, Shikamaru sat diagonal to Temari, Ino and Sai sat next to each other while Kiba and Shino sat at one end of the table.

Konohamaru walked into the restaurant with a brand new camera. Sakura ruffled his hair as he sat next to them. "I bought this just for the occasion. When can we start taking the video?" Konohamaru asked. 

"How about now?" Sakura asked as she looked at the others. They nodded in agreement. "Let's go and take it outside." Konohamaru suggested as he got up from his seat with his camera. The others followed him as they walked out of the restaurant. Konohamaru set up his camera on a portable camera stand that he had brought. He adjusted the lens and asked Sakura to go first. Sakura stood in front of the camera and smoothed down her dress. "Start!" Konohamaru ordered.

Congrats on your wedding, Naruto and Sasuke kun! It feels like yesterday that we were young kids going on our first mission. I had always noticed your unconditional love for each other even through the darkest times. Naruto, never give up on Sasuke kun and Sasuke kun, you make an amazing bride. Love from your bestie, Sakura.

Hello Naruto kun and Sasuke kun! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness. May your love grow strong each and every passing year. Lots of love, Hinata Hyuga.

Sup boys. It seems like yesterday when we were small tots running around. Your wedding day will come and go, but may your love forever grow. Wishing you the best today and always. Your guy, Shikamaru.

It's your girl, Ino!  It seems like yesterday we were playing 'house' in the school ground, and now you get to do it in real life. I couldn't be happier for you both. Congratulations! Naruto, you better treat Sasuke kun right!

Congrats, Naruto and Sasuke. May your joining together bring you more joy than you can imagine. Also, who's to-

Yo, Yo, Yo! You two make almost as good of a team as Akamaru and I and we are pretty good. We are legit so proud of you guys. I can't believe that Naruto is the first one getting married among all of us so congrats for that, Naruto. I can't wait to see you 2 as a married couple. Signing off, Joe mama Kiba.

 Wishing you a long and happy marriage. Shino, the bug boy. Also, can I say deez nu-

I'm seeing a fun-filled life in your future. Congratulations! Love from Tenten.

My good friends, Naruto and Sasuke! It gives me immense pleasure when I hear, see or imagine you 2 as a couple and if I see you 2 married, it's like a match made in heaven! May your wedding be as strong as Guy Sensei's muscles. May Guy Sensei bless you and the gods be with you.

Naruto, I remember you telling me the other day that you would do anything to get Sasuke back. I couldn't believe you at first as I wondered how determined you must be to bring him back. Endless days of suffering and pain really did pay off and I'm so happy that you are now going to be wed with the love of your life. Sasuke, I'll let you know that Naruto is the best man alive so do be proud to have him as your husband. Congrats on your wedding and be a dream couple. Love you, Gaara.

"And cut! That was amazing, you guys! I'm gonna go get Kakashi sensei's, Iruka sensei's and Ramen guy's recording. I will edit it and show it to you, Sakura Nii-san!" Konohamaru beamed as he waved at the young adults. 

"So...Whatcha upto?" Ino asked as she brushed her long, light blonde hair. "Nothing much, I was planning to go gift shopping for Naruto's and Sasuke's wedding." Sai said. "Mind if I tag along?" Ino blushed. "No, I guess? I'm not paying though." Sai whipped out his thin wallet. Ino chuckled animatedly as she walked with Sai to the gift shop. 

"Wanna catch some lunch?" Shikamaru asked Temari as he gazed into her green eyes. "S-Sure! Kankuro, take care of Gaara for me." Temari grinned as she walked with Shikamaru to a nearby restaurant. 

"Babe, let's go gift shopping for the wedding!" Hinata cheered. "Ino and Sai are probably going to choose a good gift, an exactly amazing gift that I would choose for the wedding. We should get there before they do." Sakura said, determined as she dragged Hinata to the gift shop.

"I'm gonna go to the library, Kankuro. I will be back in a few. Hangout with Shino and Kiba if you'd like." Gaara said as he left for the library. Tenten nudged Lee and gestured him to follow Gaara. Lee nodded as he slowly tiptoed his way to the library. Tenten chuckled as she sat down with the boys.

Gaara entered the library and smelled its bookish air. He smiled as he traced his hands along the books. Suddenly, he stopped as a book caught his eye. He picked the book from the shelf and saw its cover - Make out tactics.

This was interesting. He decided to try a genre he had never read before. He opened the book and begun reading its content. He was so immersed in the book that he hadn't noticed Lee standing right behind him, reading the book as well.

When the story got to the juicy part, Gaara couldn't help but blush like a tomato. He felt a hot breath on his neck as well. "Nice story, isn't it?" asked a voice from behind which made him shudder. He found Lee, smirking at him (like in the picture above).

"This isn't what it looks like. I-I just..." Gaara trailed off as Lee pinned him on the shelf. "Whatever those people did in the book, we are gonna do it too. Right here, right now." Lee licked his lips. Gaara gulped on nothing as Lee pecked him on the lips. 

A peck turned into a wet kiss and it almost ended up with Gaara removing his Kazekage robe and Lee removing his chunin vest. If it wasn't for Tenten stopping them, they would have had sex in the library, right there, right then.

"Do control your urges in public places." Tenten grunted as she pushed Lee away from Gaara. Gaara rubbed his neck and moaned slightly as he pressed the hickey on his neck made by Lee. Lee winked at Gaara whose eyes widened and looked away, hoping that Lee hadn't seen him blush.

'You make me feel single.' Tenten thought in a singsong voice. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE - They make me feel single as well, Tenten. In Naruto: the last, a lot of people had made a video congratulating Naruto on his marriage. I added a selectively few people unlike the original. See you in the next chapter.


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