Chapter 11 : In a week's time

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"...Do you hear yourself?" Sasuke cocked a brow as Naruto released his hand from Sasuke's chin. "Of course. If you're afraid that people might judge you for being pregnant without getting married, then the best solution is to get married, right?" Naruto said.

"I was emphasizing the fact that OUR RELATIONSHIP IS GOING TOO FAST! WHAT PART OF THAT DID YOU NOT GET?!" Sasuke exclaimed. "It's inevitable though. Some day or the other, you are going to marry me and in this situation, it will happen week's time." Naruto calculated.

"I don't have a say in this situation, don't I?" Sasuke sighed. "It was just a suggestion." Naruto huffed. Inside, he was secretly sad that Sasuke had rejected his proposal. It was too demotivating, honestly.

"I...accept." Sasuke mumbled. Naruto's eyes widened. "What...?" Naruto stuttered. "Let's get married, one week from now. However, YOU will be in charge of all the wedding related things. When I come back from my mission, I don't want you nagging me about anything." Sasuke said with a stern look.

Naruto beamed with joy as he lifted Sasuke in the air with his hands. "DOBE! PUT ME DOWN!" Sasuke blushed as Naruto chuckled. "This is the best day of my life. I'm gonna be a dad and a husband. Thank you, Sasuke. I'm pretty sure that if it was anyone else, I wouldn't be as happy as I am with you now." Naruto blushed as he placed Sasuke down. They walked home with Naruto placing his arm on Sasuke's shoulders

"I will be leaving tomorrow for my mission at around 5am. You don't have to send me off." Sasuke looked at Naruto. "Nah, it's fine. I want to send off my soon-to-be fiance's face before we become husband and...husband." Naruto smiled.

"You do realize that we aren't engaged yet, don't you?" Sasuke grinned smugly. Naruto paused for a minute. Wait. They weren't engaged to each other. "I will take care of that." Naruto chuckled nervously as Sasuke rolled his eyes.

The next day, 5am

"Do you have to go?" Naruto whined as Sasuke fastened the button of his coat. "I told you that I'm not changing my plans." Sasuke said sternly. Naruto pouted as he placed his hand on Sasuke's shoulder and kissed Sasuke softly on the cheek. Sasuke looked away, feeling a little sad and annoyed that Naruto was acting like this. "Don't go...again..." Naruto whispered (like in the photo above).

Sasuke kissed Naruto on the cheek which caught Naruto off guard. Using this opportunity, he slipped away from Naruto's touch. "One week, Dobe. Wait for me until then." Sasuke smiled as he walked away from Naruto, waving at him. 

Naruto waved back, smiling graciously. As soon as Sasuke disappeared from his sight, he ran over to the clinic. He found Sakura wearing her stethoscope and slipping on gloves. He guessed that her shift had started. 

"Sakura chan, you have to help me out on this." Naruto panted as he stopped running. "What did you do to Sasuke kun this time?" Sakura mocked. "Sasuke and I are getting married in a week and you have to help me set up the best wedding ever." Naruto said.

Sakura dropped the scapel she was holding. "Congrats, Naruto. I-If it's about a wedding, shouldn't you go and ask a wedding planner?" Sakura stammered. She was shocked that Naruto was getting married to Sasuke, not that she hadn't moved on from him but like Sasuke, she also felt that their relationship was going too fast.

"I wanna do it on my own." Naruto said, determined. "Listen, if you wanna do something, go ask the experts. It's not like you can whip out the same things that they could do." Sakura folded her arms. "Pretty much been doing that my whole life, don't you think." Naruto furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Listen, I'm more than happy to help but I have no idea on it. Why don't you ask Hinata? She reads wedding magazines when she's bored so she would know." Sakura sighed. "Alright, thanks for the help, Sakura chan!" Naruto beamed as he walked to Sakura's apartment. She was living in a comfy 2BHK house with Hinata. Hinata used to take care of the housework as Sakura went to the clinic to tend to severely injured patients.

He knocked on the door twice as Hinata opened the door. "Naruto kun, this is a surprise. Do come in." Hinata smiled as she gestured him to come in. "Pardon for the intrusion." Naruto chimed as he walked into the house. It was a small, quaint house whose walls were painted purple and floors were carpeted with grey smooth rugs.

"Sakura chan told me that you knew somethings regarding wedding processions." Naruto said he sat on the leather couch. "That's true. Water?" Hinata asked as he handed him a glass of water. 

"Thanks." Naruto sighed as he gulped it down. "I'm getting married to Sasuke in a week and Sakura told me that you could help me." Naruto scratched his neck. Hinata's eyes widened as her lips formed a small smile.

"Of course, I can! Tell me what you need help with." Hinata chuckled. "I want the wedding to take place under that cherry blossom tree on the hill." Naruto requested. "We can make that happen. There are so many others things that are required for a wedding - a wedding cake, wedding dresses, the best man, the bridesmaids, location, invitations, food and so much more." Hinata listed out. 

Naruto's eyes widened at the expenses he had to pay for the wedding. He shook his head, knowing that he was doing this out of his own will for Sasuke. "Let's start then, shall we?" Naruto asked as he flipped through one of the magazines.

At noon

"I'm back-" Sakura said as she closed the door. She saw Naruto sleeping on the sofa as Hinata slept with a magazine on her face. She chuckled as she removed the magazine from her girlfriend's face and kissed her forehead. Hinata whimpered as she woke up.

"Ah, sorry for waking you up." Sakura apologized as her eyes widened at the magazines on the floor. "We have been doing a lot of research and we have come to a conclusion. Naruto is surprisingly good at choosing things for the wedding." Hinata yawned.

Naruto stretched as he woke up. "Now that you're awake, show me what you guys chose for your wedding." Sakura squealed as she threw her bag on the hanger. Naruto flipped through the pages and pointed at the divine temple close to the cherry blossom tree.

"This is where we are going to get married." Naruto said as he flipped through more pages. He pointed at a huge 5 layered chocolate cake with vanilla and butterscotch frosting, artificial edible gold carved into small bells and a small crown on the top most layer. Naruto said that this was going to be the cake and the 2 miniature dolls of Naruto and Sasuke would be placed on the crown. He decided that he would Choji if he knew any good restaurants that provide a bulk order of scrumptious food for a small price. He had chosen the suits for the engagement but needed to do more research for their wedding dresses. He had called Iruka's friend who happened to be a printer and asked him to print around 100 invitation letters on a maroon sheet with their names and the invitation printed in black and gold. 

"The only thing which I haven't thought about yet is my best man. I'm pretty sure Sasuke might either choose one of you 2, for being bridesmaids, of course. Feel free to wear whatever fancy dress you want to the wedding." Naruto got up from the sofa and waved them goodbye.

Sakura looked deep in thought. "We need to gift Naruto and Sasuke something that they wouldn't forget in their lifetimes." Sakura said, determined. "Why don't we compile videos of all of us congratulating them on their wedding? We can say some nice words about them and possibly even give marriage advice." Hinata suggested. Sakura gasped as she kissed her girlfriend. "You. are. a. genius." Sakura praised. Hinata blushed as Sakura whipped out her phone and dialed someone.

"Konohamaru. You see..."

AUTHOR'S NOTE - I'm sorry if the chapter seems rushed and for the delay in uploading the chapter. I had just finished my exams today so I will try to upload more chapters frequently. See you in the next chapter.


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